the party.

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AN: dude i just realized in the last part i spelt college wrong im actually so upset w myself 💀 also idk how college parties work so this might be a bit..different? idk are people from off-campus allowed to college parties? man idrc its just for the story 🤷‍♀️ this is bouta get real sad.

also, idk if this needs to have a TW but this part contains some underage substance abuse and underage drinking 🤗

background info: sean got an invite to a college party and brought jake.

I push the dorm door open to see red solo cups and dancing. Flashing lights and booming music awakes me from my previous half-asleep state.

"Jake!!" Sean yells from behind before slinging his arm around my neck and kissing me on the cheek.

"Sean!" I manage to return the energy even in my groggy state.

"You tired?" He asks. Sean knows me so well.

"Yeah. I just got up from my nap to come to this party." I yawn.

"Alright. I can leave whenever you need." He smiles.

"Thank you, Sean." I smile back at him. I spot Daisy in the crowd.

"Is Daisy drinking?" I ask, surprised. Sean looks confused but i point at the red solo cup sitting in her hand.

"Huh. I guess so." He shrugs.

"Are you drinking?" I ask.

"No. I have to drive you home." He replies.

"Oh. Well i'm drinking." I walk over to the kitchen and grab a cup. I pick a bottle up i can't read because my eyes are still not working from the nap.

"Beer. It's fairly strong." I hear from behind me. I look back and see a pale dude with eyeliner and black eyeshadow on. He was wearing a black tank top with some baggy jeans. He had a lot of earrings and was extremely tall, those factors stood out to me the most.

"Is it any good though?" I ask him.

"Nope." He turned around and walked away. I decide to open the bottle before walking over to the living room and watch a game of poker. I'm tired and now half-drunk so i have no idea what the hell im watching. I sit there confused for the whole game until someone randomly asks everyone if they wanted to do some lines. i had no idea what a line was so i agreed. Someone after that asked if people wanted to smoke pot which i also agreed to. Suddenly a ringing in my ear starts. I could barely hear anything but through my foggy hearing i heard something about sobering up. I couldn't really hear him but i knew it was Sean.

"Jake can you hear me?" Sean asked.

"Huh?" I snap out of this weird blurry state.

"I need you to sober up a bit before we go home, you should sleep for a bit or eat something." He hands me a back of crackers but i instantly hit it away.

"Sean! What if that was poisoned? Why would you poison me??" I yell.

"Jake. Hey, calm down." Sean whispers, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I scream. I suddenly jolt at a gunshot. "What the hell was that?" I shriek. Sean tilts his head.

"What do you mean?" He asks me quietly.

"I just heard a gunshot!" Suddenly the floor began twisting and the ringing in my ears begun again. It started to also tune Sean's reassurance out before I eventually backed myself in a corner and started to freak out. I couldn't recall anything else before waking up in Sean's arms after the party had calmed a bit. Everyone was still drinking but everyone had stopped with the drugs.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Sean said before leaning closer to me and carefully lifting me off of him and onto a pillow.

"I'll be back." He whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead. I was still confused and paranoid but better, no more hallucinations or ringing in my ears at least. Sean was gone for so long i decided to get up and see where he was. I knock on the bathroom door but Sean isn't in there. Nobody is, actually. I get paranoid so instead of worrying my ass off i walk outside to the hallway when i see Daisy and Sean talking.

"Anyways, I had fun. Night, Sean." Daisy said before leaning in and kissing Sean. My heart stopped. It felt as if time stood still. Sean hadn't pushed her away...why wasn't he pushing her away? Just as I feel tears forming in my eyes i turn and twist the dorm handle, walking into the dorm.

"Anyways, I had fun. Night, Sean." Daisy said before leaning in and kissing me. My heart stopped. It felt as if time stood still. I was shocked and petrified. As soon as i could put myself together, i push her away gently.

"Look, Daisy you're great and all but i don't know if i told you but Jake and I are together."

"Oh my bad. I totally forgot about that. Im so sorry Sean you'll have to excuse me i've drank to much...i should get back to my dorm." Daisy apologized.

"No, yeah totally! It's alright." I start walking towards the door because i've had enough of tonight and i feel jake has too.

"Ready?" I ask him. Jake nods, not really making eye contact. The car ride to his house was awkward. He wouldn't look at or really talk to me. Eventually i just asked him.

"Are you alright Jake?" I ask him, turning the radio down. Jake nods. I stop in front of his house.

"Okay, here you are. Night Jake. Sleep well, i love you!" I lean over to kiss him but he blocks it and just gets out of the car. The hell? Jake is always the first one to kiss me or tell me he loves me why is he being so distant? Maybe it's just because of his panic attack. He'll probably be better in the morning.

word count: 1017
man i love when good people are sad. also if any of the high/drunk parts are off it's because i've never been high or drunk but i wanted to write it.

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