Learning About Lloyd

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When I arrived, Lloyd had changed into a Gryffindor sweater and some black Nike sweats. "Hey," Lloyd greeted with a warm smile. "Hey," I returned. "So, I take it she didn't cause a scene?" He asked as he let me in. I sighed as I entered the door, "She tried to, but I didn't stay around to find out what she had to say." That got a snicker out of the platinum blond. "So, I decided to tell you why I had you turn around all those times when you walked me home," Lloyd said, nervously playing with his hands. "Alright, tell me when you're ready", I said, patting the spot beside me on the couch.
Lloyd sat down and began to explain.

"Well, after my dad became the evil overlord, my mom sorta...went into a depression episode. She wasn't making the best life choices, for her or me, and the house was absolutely disgusting whenever you would offer to walk me home, I had you turn around because the place was dirty and I hadn't had time to clean it," he confessed nervously. "My mom keeps saying she's gonna get to cleaning it sometime soon, but with her job and the hours she works I know she won't so I've taken to cleaning the place...but on her bad days she just trashes it again," he sighed. I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it reassuringly. "So, yeah, that's the reason I had you look away, sorry, it's just really embarrassing living in a situation like this when it's not something we can't do anything about.." I shrugged with a smile and leaned over to hug him. "It doesn't bother me at all Lloyd, those are her life choices, and I know you don't like it, so why would I blame you?" Lloyd looked at me with his lips parted open, his eyes slightly wide; and without knowing what the hell I was thinking, I leaned in and pressed out lips together in a soft but passionate kiss.

"So...movie marathon?" I breathed once I pulled away. Lloyd blinked a few times before a soft smile graced his lips. "I'd like that," he agreed, getting up to pick out a movie.

When we both agreed on a movie and he put it in, we cuddled on his couch and began one of many movies.

It wasn't much. But for now it was enough. We were learning.

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now