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Kalyani Singh Oberoi, the matriarch of the Oberoi family looked at the photo of her family with tears in her eyes. The family has broken and she witnessed it. Omkara, her second grandson was a sweet boy from his childhood. She has seen how the boy suffered due to his parents. He protected his siblings from the pain as much as possible and was the one to receive the blunt edge. His parents were busy in their problems, his aunt was only concerned about her child and his uncle was a mute spectator to everything. He had to take care of himself and his siblings. He never wished anything for him and took all that was thrown at him be it anger or disappointment. She had tried to give him love and advices. She was happy all the brothers stuck together. But when 10 years ago the Storm hit it destroyed everything. When Svetlana had accused him of molestation and  shown an image of her and Omkara, everyone thought it to be true. Taken in his dark past everyone thought he used drugs again and that resulted in it. He didn't say anything when everyone threw their disappointment in him. He stood numb. Billu didn't say anything but his disappointed looks conveyed his thoughts. Rudy looked shocked and didn't intervene. That was the last time everyone saw him. He disappeared leaving everyone . Everyone tried to call him, find him but there was no traces.

She missed him and wanted to apologise for not trusting him. Nothing was same after Omkara left and lot happened in ten years. Tej changed slowly and seven years back Jhanvi forgive him and accepted back. Billu decided to live away from here and shifted to Delhi. He still visits on occasions. He got married to Annika eight years ago and has a four year old son Shivansh Singh Oberoi. Rudy joined Oberoi Industries after completing his studies and married Bhavya a year ago. Everytime they all come together they feel the void.

Tej Singh Oberoi watched the painting again. He has been seeing this for the past nine years but still every time he sees it he felt the same raw pain that shattered his heart. He was known to be heartless and yet he felt the pain. Maybe because the amount of pain he given to the people around him was that much. He always loved his sons but never had expressed it as they expected him to. He was egoistic and greedy. The fact that Om was the second in the family and could not be the heir had made him go crazy. He wanted his son to  lead the Oberoi Empire and Pinky's attitude had irked him. That strained his relationship with Jhanvi and slowly he distanced himself from his family. His frustration lead him to cheat on Jhanvi and slowly he himself destroyed everything with his own hands. Shivaay's achievements and Omkara's interest in art had increased his jealousy and rage. He behaved harsh with his son and started neglecting his other children too. He didn't realised to what extent his blind rage has driven him and what damage it had done. Finally when he realised he had lost everything. Ten years ago that day he was very angry and he expressed it too. He thought Om had done it to defeat him. He couldn't think straight and thought his son could go to such extent for his hatred towards him. Next day when Om disappeared he thought it as his arrogance and believed he would come back after few days. Later, when he accidentally heard Svetlana confessing how she planned to destroyed his family and used his innocent son, he went livid. He understood how she used his anger and ego to damage his own family with his hands, he remembered everything he had done and regretted it. He proved her guilty and made her arrested with the help of Shivaay. He had made arrangements to find Om. His expectation of Om coming back on his own died own when even after a month he didn't return. He searched harder but found no result. The one year he analysed every mistakes he had done. How he didn't become a good father and husband and how it affected his children's lives. He realised Jhanvi indulgence in alcohol and Om becoming drug addict was his mistake. Remembering his every behaviour towards Om be couldn't believe he turned out such a person. He realised his intentions of good had only broken his son.

Nine years ago when he entered his art studio he was astonished. He realised he never understood how talented his son was. He had never seen his works before, he had never appreciated him, he never was part of his son's world. Looking through the works, his caught a painting. A small boy with tears stood at a garden, he was looking at man playing with his son and a lady laughing seeing them. Tej was not a man who could understand art but still he understood the emotions in the eyes of the small boy. Longing, disappointment and pain. Tej felt it, the heart shattering and pain throbbing every cell of his body. He had known his son hated him for what he did to his mother and for trying to separate him from Shivaay, he knew the anger for not allowing to follow his passion. But what he never knew was deep inside him there was child who longed for love. He didn't give his son love and even took his mother's love from him. A sob broke out of him and fell on the floor. He cried. He cried miserably as the pain encased him. He give his son nothing but pain and he deserved  to be in pain for doing this to his son. He wailed for hours laying there until he felt a pair of hands pulling him up. He turned to find his second born holding him with a shocked face. He remembered he never showed his love to Rudra too. He hugged him and cried telling how sorry he was for everything and for not showing his love for them. He kept on blabbering everything crying and caressing Rudy's face and finally lost his consciousness. After that day, Rudy and Tej slowly build up their bond. Tej would ask about the day to Rudra and help whenever he needed it. Tej took a decision and took his shares of the company and completely left from Oberoi Industries. He found a new art institutions for talented children where they are supported and guided. He silently wished Omkara would come to know about it and come there but was disappointed when he never came. Jhanvi forgive him seven years back. He and Jhanvi would try to attend as many exhibitions in the hope to meet Omkara. He didn't want his son to forgive his right away, he just wished to see him safe and sound and have a truthful talk.

Jhanvi Tej Singh Oberoi loved her children but she could never stand for them or take care of them. She was taking care of her bruised heart and she forgot about her kids. Om has always loved her and sacrificed many things for her. He was always there for her but she was never there for him whenever he needed her. He took care of his siblings and lost his childhood in taking care of others while no one was there to take care of him. When ten years back Svetlana accused him she didn't respond at all. She didn't defend her son when others accused him. She should have told everyone her Om could never do anything like that but she was drowning in her own world. She remembered that day he looked at her for her reaction and seeing her silent hurt flashed through his eyes before he went numb. She blamed herself for not being there for her son and stoped drinking after he went missing. She prayed and waited for Om's arrival. She was thankful when Tej brought the truth out. One day when Rudy came and told me about Tej's breakdown, she was emotional. He realised his mistakes and was truly regretting it. Later, when he withdrew his shares and formed a art institution, she was surprised. Seeing his efforts and talking to him she realised that the man she loved once is back. He consoled her by saying everything to be his mistake. She decided to forgive him and they waited for the day to meet him. She just wishes to be the mother she could never become for him.

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