Chapter 7

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All looked at the entrance to see a man from Omkara's guards enter with a baby in his hands. The baby was busy looking around making baby sounds and failed to notice others present there. Omkara called the baby softly "Amu" . The baby jerked and looked at him and her lips pouted and trembled, she was about to break into tears, she raised hands asking him to pick her and wriggled in hands of the man.

"Aww my darling, Papa is here only don't cry" he cooed as he took her in his arms hugging her and rocking her. He kissed soundly on her nose and cheeks which made her to giggle. She clapped her hands successfully having her father's attention on her. Gauri mumbled slowly "Drama queen"

Tej and Jhanvi saw their granddaughter with teary eyes. She looked soo cute in her pink frock. She had chubby cheeks like her mother and was mixture of both her parents. Dadi felt contented as she always wished to see Om having a family but as situations turned she doubted the possibility. She thanked the lord for giving him a family.

Shivaay and Rudra looked at the baby, their brother's baby. They were always a team and now they didn't even know who were all in his life. They wanted to talk a lot to Om, pour a lot of love on their niece.

Priyanka instantly went near Om and asked "Bhai, she is your daughter?"  It was more of a statement than a question. Omkara smiled at her and said   "Yes, this is Amaira Singh Oberoi, my daughter".

Suddenly a boy about the age of Ansh came running and hugged Om's leg. Omkara sat on the couch with Amu still on his hands and hugged the the boy. "Did you miss me Champ" asked Omkara to which the boy nodded his head and kissed Om before hugging him tightly. Then Omkara looked at everyone introducing the boy "And this is my son Abhinav Singh Oberoi. We call him Abhi"

Abhi looked at everyone while flashing a charming smile and spoke shyly "Hi" and waved at all. And turned to Om and said "Papa there is a nice garden here and I saw a small rabbit. It was so small and soft. I wanted to take it but then I thought it's mumma and papa will be looking for him. So I left the baby rabbit there after giving it some water".

"My good boy" said Om smiling and ruffled his hair. Oberoi's were awed by his innocence, somewhere he reflected the little Om who was so full of love for everyone. They felt their heart twist thinking at what Om had to suffer after that.

They suddenly heard the sound of something breaking, then heard a loud scream and fast footsteps indicating someone is approaching running fast. They saw a girl who who looked exactly like Omkara running giggling and sat beside Omkara and hugged him sideway. Following her came a running Khanna who was covered in white flour, Omkara bursted out laughing seeing this whereas Gauri was glaring at the girl.

"Haanu" Gauri called her sternly, and Haanu clicked her tongue before walking to Khanna and said "Teady uncle sorry, but if you would have allowed me to enter the kitchen then I wouldn't have done that. But poor you, how unlucky you are that you denied me to enter the kitchen and came between me and my food".

"Yes, no one has the right to come between her and her food. Bhukad"  said someone leaning on the door and looking at Haanu. Anyone could say that the boy was her twin.

"You ignore him Teady uncle" said Haanu. The boy asked as he slowly walked up to them "Why are you calling him Teady Uncle"? . Haanu blinked her eyes dramatically and said "He look so cute and fluffy like a Teady" . Khanna made face hearing that while Omkara was laughing, and seeing him Amu also laughed clapping her hands.

Haanu turned around and seeing lot of audience, she shrieked excited and said "Hello, I am Ahaana Singh Oberoi. And everyone lovingly calls me Haanu. And this is my elder twin Aditya Singh Oberoi, and we call him Adi" and suddenly looked confused and cutely asked "Now this is confusing, who is my  Dadi - Dadu and  Chote Dadu - Chote Dadi?"

The Oberoi who were now getting shock after shock was thinking whether to expect any more. The elders were now sure that Haanu had the talent to speak like her mother. They were all happy as the children know about them. As Jhanvi decided to clear her granddaughter's doubt she kneels down and said "I am your Dadi, this is your Dadu" pointing towards Tej "This is your Chote Dadu and Chote Dadi"  pointing towards Shakti and Pinky. Haanu hugged them all and went towards Dadi "You might be my Par Dadi na?"  Dadi nodded at her with teary eyes and smile,"But calling Par Dadi is so difficult what should I call" . Chuckling she said "Call me as you wish", hearing which she asks " Can I call you Kallu" and getting positive response from Dadi she moved towards Shivaay and Rudra. Looking between them few times she said " Muscle wala is Rudy Chachu and that makes you my Bade Papa. Isn't it?" Both of them nodded at her before hugging her. She went towards Priyanka and asked pointing at her "Bua?" Prinku hugged her immediately agreeing. "You look so cute, can I call you cutie" asked Haanu placing a kiss on Prinku's cheeks. Prinku was more than elated. Now she went to Anika and Bhavya and raised her brows silently asking them for introduction. Anika bent towards her and said "I am Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi, your Badi Maa and this is your Chachi, Bhavya Rudra Singh Oberoi" . Haanu hugged them also and getting a slight push from Gauri, Abhi and Adi also hugged everyone.

Jhanvi asked Gauri and kids to freshen up and rest as they came after long journey. And everyone slowly dispersed. Neil walked to Khanna who was still standing there covered in flour, patted his back and said "Don't worry, you will slowly get accustomed to it. And thank the lord that this went so easy on you" and walked away. Khanna gulped in shock and fear thinking what would be the hard way and what all are going to happen from now on...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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