episode 07: meet the team

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chan woke up at the ass crack of dawn

he got ready for school and even made his own breakfast before saying goodbye to his half asleep mother (he wouldn't dare wake up his brother). he walked through the streets with a skip in his step, he was excited, which was weird enough for someone who wasn't a morning person and a school person and also a life person.

today chan was going to meet soonyoung's friends.

after accepting his offer to form an alliance, soonyoung wanted him to meet his friends who have been convincing him to either confess or confess (giving up was no option). and chan agreed of course, from what he's heard they seem like mostly nice people. soonyoung was like this magnet that just attracted sunshine and happiness everywhere he went.

'hey chan! over here' called over soonyoung. they had decided to meet at the convention store where the gang fight had taken place just a few days ago. soonyoung was occupying a table near the entrance (which was surprisingly fixed up from the aftermath of the fight) with two other guys who were also wearing the same uniform as him. the taller of the group seemed to be glued to his phone while the other with coloured purple hair that reminded one of the galaxy was resting his head on the table, seemingly as tired as chan felt on the inside.

'hey, good morning' said chan as he pulled up a seat to the trio. the guy who was glued to his phone snapped his head up to see the infamous chan soonyoung had chattered his ears off too.

'oh my! you're lee chan?' he questioned loudly, making his friend who was on the verge of sleeping, glare at him while soonyoung again seemed unfazed. 'ahem my name is wen junhui! soonyoung's closeted buddy from middle school and president of the protect kwon soonyoung squad, lovely making your acquaintance!' said junhui without missing a beat, he sure had a lot of energy in the morning, chan envied that.

'it's nice to meet you too hyung!' said chan smiling, trying to match his energy.

'aww you're so cute, you're now my son'

'i'm sorry what'

'don't mind him, he was born with a screw lose' answered the galaxy haired guy, who seemed more awake, probably due to his friends outburst. 'my name is xu minghao, i don't what prompted you into helping soonyoung but we appreciate it, i'm tired of hearing him and his fantasies about jihoon' he said as his words resulted in a slap on his shoulder by soonyoung who was clearly embarrassed. 'now is not to the time to talk about my fantasies okay!' he rebutted his friends statement which a sheepish smile.

'well for starters, i hate to ask but why exactly are you helping soonyoung hyung with jihoon?' asked minghao, he did have all the rights to be wary about chan and of course he couldn't tell the three of them the entire truth so he's just going to omit some parts of it. no one wants a existential crisis especially in the morning.

chan started out by telling them now he found out that some dangerous people viewed jihoon as an item of interest (minus the peeping tom part, chan has a reputation to save) and now it would be quite impossible to stop their feelings so he instead wished jihoon would find a good person to love so he could block their advances which led him into asking soonyoung if he could help him cause in his eyes, soonyoung was the perfect person who could deal with his brother.

'wait you mean so soonyoung is perfect for jihoon?' asked jun after chan's passionate explanation, seemingly glossing over all the other information. 'well yes, i did say that' replied chan.

'he finds jihoon attractive when he's beating someone up, how is that perfect?' remarked minghao. 'in my book, it is plus hyung seems to genuinely care about my brother, i just want him to be happy and in a healthy relationship' answered chan, seemingly convincing the group as he watched their questioning gazes turn into understanding ones.

'okay we'll take you in, welcome to your little weird group' said minghao with a small smile on his face as he seemed more relaxed now, somehow chan has gotten the xu minghao approval. 'you're such a good brother, my son!' said junhui as he reached over and ruffled chan's hair (chan seriously wondered why people loved to abuse his perfectly styled hair). soonyoung watched his friends welcome chan with a big smile on his face, he couldn't be happier.

'okay okay stop teasing chan!' said soonyoung light heartily as he brought chan closer to him in a way to protect him from junhui and his grubby hands. soonyoung extended his arm out 'let's do a team chant!' this statement ended up getting some grumbles but everyone extended their arms out, placing their hands on top of each others.

'chan you are now apart of the soonyoung protection squad, i can already foresee our brings adventurous days where we get soonyoung finally together with jihoon and babysit their children together.

'oh my fricking god keep your speeches for yourself, this is getting embarrassing hurry it up' said minghao to which junhui pouted to annoy minghao more but nonetheless it was soonyoung who got everyone's attention.

'1! 2! 3! let's go!!'

'i'm sorry but i can't do that again' said chan, the embarrassment hitting him after doing it. 'i know right! see he gets me' said mingaho as he was glad he finally got a person who agrees with him.

'aw man, i'm so excited to see how this goes' said soonyoung as he fondly looked at his newly formed group, this was such a good day.

meanwhile in chan's murky classroom, students were murmuring between themselves. samuel and seungkwan stood at a side, eyes on the person which has caused their entire class uneasiness and more gossip.

'chan isn't going to like this' muttered samuel as he leaned against the wall while seungkwan discreetly tried to take a picture to send to his unfortunate friend.

the seat near the window where chan used to sit alone was filled with it's missing owner, chwe hansol who has bandaids on his face (the aftermath of the fight). he wore his trademark black beanie and had his headphones on, not caring at all at the looks his fellow classmates threw him.

'yep this is gonna be a shit show' said seungkwan as he furiously texted chan with numerous prayer emojis and tears.

this really is going to be shit show


i hate school with every fibre in me.

but yes i present you this update, no hell can stop me from writing.

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