meet her

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kenny kyle and stan get to clyde's house and sees almost all of their friends

clyde walks over to the three of them "hey guys" clyde says then looks at kenny "who's that dude?" clyde asks still looking at kenny , stan raises an eyebrow "what do you mean? that's kenny" stan says

"oh cool i've never seen you without your parka" clyde says walking off while the three start walking over to the slip and slide

kenny eventually gets on the slip and slide but sadly he was going too fast and went head first into the sidewalk. almost everyone there walks over to kenny on the ground

"holy shit dude are you okay?" stan asks lending kenny a hand to get up "i i think so" kenny says getting up holding his head "holy shit he lost his god damn tooth" craig says looking down at the ground

everyone else looks at the ground now at kenny's tooth that had been bashed out "which tooth was it??" kenny asks stan showing him his teeth , stan looks at kenny's teeth for a second

"don't worry dude it was one of your bottom teeth" stan says as kenny picks up his tooth from the ground

suddenly everyone sees a moving truck park in a drive way next to clyde's , everyone stares at it til a car pulls up next to it

then the car door open to 2 middle aged parents and a girl with blonde hair in pigtails with green bows and a green dress on(yes)

most everyone stares at the girl "i don't know about her dude , pigtails are kinda kid like" kyle says to stan which kenny over hears

clyde walks over to kenny "kenny , i'll give you 80 cents if you go get that girls number for me" clyde says  "fuck yeah , be right back" kenny says speed walking across the street

kenny gets to the drive way of where the moving truck was and starts walking over to the girl , kenny taps the girl on the shoulder from behind and the girl quickly turns around

"oh hello" the girl says looking around then looking at kenny again , kenny scans her for a second time "hi im kenny" kenny says holding out his hand

the girl smiles at kenny then shakes his hand "im marjorine!" kenny nods "you're kinda cute , i was wondering if i could get your number??" kenny says shrugging a little

marjorine blushes a little from kenny's compliment but then gathers her thoughts again "sure , let me write it down for you" *marjorine says walking over to the car opening the door and grabbing a piece of paper

marjorine also grabs a marker and writes down her number and after a second walks back over to kenny and hands it to him

"thanks" kenny says walking away
"you're kinda cute too" marjorine says as kenny walks away , kenny stops in the middle of the street and turns to marjorine and gives her a smile but unfortunately a car was driving down the road as kenny stopped and as kenny smiled at marjorine kenny got ran over

(i lied i couldnt sleep and i couldn't stop think ab this so here's another part it's 4:50 am pls kill me)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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