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you stumbled into your form class just seconds before the bell rang, heaving in oxygen because of the mile you just ran (or so you say)

"y/n, my comrade, you live a legit 3 minutes and 43.258 seconds from school, yet you are always the last one to enter. Please enlighten me as to why this is the case-"

"WELL" you began "you little DIPSHIT OF A GINGER, I don't have PERSONAL BUTLERS to drive me to school in a LIMOUSINE everyday" you sneered at childe, distate spreading over your face "and, its more like 5 minutes, how would you even know?"

"well I am glad you asked my comrade! Me and the g itto tested it out three whole times, and each time was the same result: 3 minutes and 48.962 seconds. Our science experiment is very accurate indeed"

itto raised his thumb at this, grinning widely at his and childe's self proclaimed achievment

you deadpanned at the pair's stupidity, opening your mouth to reply but deciding aginst it, as you knew interacting with the 2 was fruitless

"oh, by the way" before you could continue walking, childe started talking again "I think someone left a little gift on your desk. You got a secret admirer?"

you scoffed at his claim, rolling your eyes at the question "You're being delusional, childe, I'm not handsome like you. Your locker had a whole shrine infront of it"

"oh? so you think I'm handso- OW, WHO THREW THAT" A pen was thrown in the direction of childe's head as he started to tease you, but when your eyes followed in the direction the pen came from, you were met with the sight of scaramouche with his head laid lazily on his desk

there was no way scaramouche could have thrown that pen, right? He had no reason to care. Plus, he's just lifelessly laying on his desk.

even if he did throw the pen, it was merely because childe was screaming and being annoying. You were the one being delusional now, thinking he threw it out of jealousy

clearing yourself of your thoughts, you walked over to your desk, eyes widening when you realised childe indeed was right

it wasnt anything extravagant. A single [f/choc] and a note that read 'be my valentine?'. when you flipped it over it read 'meet me at the back of the school'

you scoffed at the minimal effort, nonetheless placing the chocolate in you mouth and smiling a little at the thought of actually having a valentine


Gradually, the school day came to an end, and you began to walk out of your last class with a few friends, namely childe, yoimiya, and hutao

"so, y/n," childe started "about your secret admirer.. do you think you'll accept their confession ?"

"mmm, well it depends. I mean, if he's rich and handsome, then.. it shouldn't be too bad"

"um, that's literally me. I'm rich and handsome, KABOOM ! I'm your secret admirer!"

hutao and yoimiya burst out laughing at childe's statement, while a disgusted look made it's way onto your fault

"YOU? WHAHAHAHAHH, you don't stand a chance, bro, sorry to break it to you"

"literally. y/n is WAY out of your league." the pair slapped a hand to each other's back, wheezing uncontrollably

"h-hey! don't do me dirty, bro. they said they liked rich and handsome guys!"

"I meant to add who arent ginger. my bad for misleading you."

hutao and yoimiya only laughed harder at this, being so distracted that they slipped at the stairs leading down to the outside school grounds, tumbling together until they reached the floor

"ooh" childe whispered "that's gotta have hurt.."

you snorted at the situation, hurrying down the stairs professionally, ignoring childe's attempt to help you down the stairs with his arm

"well damn, fine then."

the pair were still on the floor shaking with laughter, wiping the tears at the corner of their eyes

"guys it seriously was not that funny" you attempted to pull the two back up, glaring at childe as he was still stood at the top of the stairs, doing nothing at all to help



after successfully hauling hutao and yoimiyas combined weights up, the 4 of you made your way out of the school gates, making your way to a park you all hung out at every other day

"fuck, my armpits still feel sticky from pe. i think my pubes are sweaty too"

you deadpanned, sighing frustratedly "TMI, childe, T.M.I. How many times do we have to explain to you and itto that we do NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR PUBES. STOP."


"are your pubes ginger?"

"HU TAO." you and yoimiya exclaimed in unison, as hutao laughed mischievously

"what~? it doesnt hurt to play along sometimes~"

you mumbled incoherent curses, rethinking your life decisions

"hey y/n, weren't you supposed to be meeting scar- I MEAN,,, your secret admirer?"

your eyes widened at childes question, as you stopped in your tracks, realising he was right

"oh fuck-- you're right, i-i need to go! how could i forget!" panic suddenly overtook you as your eyes widened, starting to walk backwards "i-i need to go guys, sorry! tomorrow?"

"o-oh yes, ofcourse!" yoimiya replied, "but wait! take my umbrella with you, i-it's starting to rain, y/n!" by the time yoimiya had finished scrambling around for her travel umbrella, you had already taken off "WAIT! Y/N!"

"uhh, shall i run after them..?" childe proposed

"as much as i am worried they'll get soaked and end up sick.." hu tao started "..I'm sure hat guy will take care of them.

"hu tao! " yoimiya exclaimed, her more caring and softer side coming out, "you know how much they value their grades! y/n rarely lets themselves rest when they're sick, they'll end up forcing themselves to come in and will only get more sick!"

"what?! come on, yoi. it's only one day. their studies are temporary, but this relationship will be eternal."

"yes, but-"

"besides, hat guy has some pretty good brains. you know that. he'll help them catch up with anything they miss. their timetables are almost the same."

"hah.. i remember scaramouche freaking out about what subjects to pick. he wanted to have the same exact timetable as y/n so that he could always see them." childe laughs at the memory, reminiscing about the past

"see, yoi! even childe can vouch for him."

"okay, okay, fine. but.. i tried, okay! if everything goes haywire, it's your guys' fault!"

"yayaya whatever you say mother"

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