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Three years ago...

ON THE middle of a field, two teen who are not younger than 13 years old can be seen playing soccer together. They seem to be a twin with their reddish-pink hair but the difference is the hair length. The taller one have a longer hair that reach his shoulder while the other is not.

"Hyoma, run faster!" the taller one yelled while running with the ball. It was quite shocking seeing a 13 years old with such speed. The shorter one who is now identify as HYOMA groaned in annoyance "stop running then!" he whined and try to tackle the ball from the taller one grasp

Unfortunately for him, the taller one flick the ball up and jump high in the air before doing a cartwheel and kick the ball towards the goal. Hyoma freeze in shock as the ball flew past him in lightning speed. He could feel the breeze graze his face as he finally turn around and saw that it hit the net

The taller one land gracefully on the ground, also in shock before bursting into a laughing fit after he looked at his twin face. Hyoma did not take that lightly as he stomped towards the ball before kicking it towards the laughing boy. The ball hit directly on his gut as he whimper and crouch down holding his stomach

"take that Y/n-nii!" he had shouted before laughing. The boy who is now known as Y/N got up still holding his stomach and smile at his twin. "I did not expecting that" he said and went up to his twin and playfully punch his shoulder

"well, you should have not mocked me then" Hyoma said after his laughing fit had died down and crossed his arm, smirking. Y/n only sigh at this and ruffle his twin hair, messing it up "you're to cute.." he mumble still ruffling his hair

Hyoma dramatically gasp and look away, still with his arms crossed "I am not Y/n-nii!" he exclaimed. Y/n could only smile at his antic before tackling his twin down in a hug. "but you are though!" he said and compose their balance trying not to fall to the ground

Hyoma could only laugh at this as he accepted the hug "you're to clingy despite being older than me Y/n-nii" he softly said "by six minutes but yeah, I guess I am aren't I?" Y/n chuckled and got off of their embrace before taking Hyoma's hand

"let's go home. Mom might be worried sick for us right now" he said and start walking. Hyoma nods and follow his twin lead while tightened their interlock hands. "yeah let's go" and with that the twin walk their way home hand in hand while joking slightly

Such a beautiful siblings aren't they?


Two years later...

The now older twins can be seen again playing soccer. They seemed pretty talented as they kick, pass and dribble the ball with ease. Their opponents try to keep up with their speed as they run across the field

"nii-san!" Hyoma yelled and pass the ball towards his twin. He kick the ball high in the air as everything seem to slow down. Everyone were sure that he would not make it but it completely washed away when the teen jump and received the ball with his leg

Y/n gracefully land on the ground before sprinting towards the goal not giving anyone to process what he just done. After a few moments, their opponents seem to snap out of their daze and try to tackle the ball from his grasp. Y/n growl at this as he flick the ball up "Hyoma!" he yelled and jump before kicking the ball towards his twin

Hyoma jump up and receive the ball with his chest before landing on the ground. He sprint with the ball which is now on his grasp and towards the goal. He smile widely 'I'll definitely score this! I'll-' his thought got cut off when he trip on his way towards the goal

Everything seem to slow down as he felt a painful pain on his right knee. As he fell down to the ground, Y/n sprint towards his fallen twin without a second thought. The opponent who was chasing Hyoma got the ball and run towards the opposite side which their goal is located

Y/n did not care about that and ignore his coach yelling as he took his twin in his arms. Hyoma yelled in pain as he felt another painful pain on his knee which startle his twin "H-Hyoma! Are you-" he was cut off when he felt tears dripping down on his shirt

He look at his twin who were now crying looking at his right knee in distress. "m-my knee! I-it's hurts!" he yelled in pain as he tightened his grip on his older twin brother shirt. Seeing this only make Y/n panic and concerned "emergency! Hyoma broke his knee!" he yelled catching the coach attention

The coach quickly as possible run towards them and carried Hyoma in his arms towards the bench. Hyoma cried become more louder as he felt his knee give up more painful electrifying pain. The coach took out his phone and dial the ambulance as Y/n sit down beside his twin


Y/n sit down on the chair outside the doctor's room with his sister beside him, looking forward with dead eyes. HIKORI look at his brother and sigh sadly "Y/n-nii calm down.. Hyoma-nii gonna be fine.." she reassure her brother as he took his hand and give it a gentle squeeze

"I know" Y/n answer with a stern voice as his eyes still linger on the wall in front of him. Hikori flinch a little after hearing her brother's voice. Her grip tightened as he also look at the wall silently praying for his second brother to be fine

A woman who is seem to be in her 40' walk out of the door and towards the sitting children. She crouched down in front of Y/n before taking holds of his hands. Hikori let go off his brother hand and look at the woman "mom! How's Hyoma-nii!?" she asked, concern laced in her voice

The woman sigh and shook her head before looking at her son eyes "Y/n.. I'm sorry but Hyoma's not gonna be able to play soccer with you anymore.." she said. Y/n world seem to freeze before he got his hands out of his mother's grip "you're lying." he said hoping that it was all a lie

The woman shook her head and sigh "your twin broke his right ACL.. Yes he can be healed but if he play soccer again it might not.." she trailed off looking at the ground "might not what? Answer me" Y/n voice turn dark as he look at his mother

Hikori flinch once again hearing her brother's tone before looking at her mother "yes.. Might not what mom?" she asked with a softer tone than her brother "he might not be able to healed anymore.." she said as Y/n got up and stormed off. Hikori and their mother look at the teen and could only sigh

That was one year ago... But now here they are standing in front of a man who's name Jinpachi Ego


How was it? Was it good enough to your liking? I hope it does. Good day or night my lovely readers. Marileen, Lock Off!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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