Chapter 10

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Author's note at end <3
Trigger warning for this chapter, contains upsetting injury detail and some parts you may find disturbing. If you're sensitive please read at your own risk.

May was going far to quickly, You had been training hard and making sure to properly look after yourself. it had been a couple days since your little incident, everyone had watched it happen and you'd noticed how they'd all been walking on egg shells around you. Asking if you needed water, whether you needed a break or some food. It was nice, but it just made you feel like a child and you hated it. You hated being pitied.

Today the weather wasn't as nice as it had been, dark clouds had began to elapse over the sky, the wind pin pricking at your skin. You brought your arms over your chest, trying to salvage the warm air within your  (F/C) coat.

"Y/N!" A voice called from behind you, you stopped and turned, eyes now fixed on your pink haired friend.

"Hey, Mina." you grumbled, now walking beside her.

"Hey, what's up with you?" She inquired, her eyes darting from ahead and  back to you.

"Just shitty weather today. And we don't have a class until later, So I'm just taking a walk." You shrugged,

"It's 'shitty' weather, yet you're taking a walk? You're so strange Y/N." Mine chuckled,

"I know." You said, pursing your lips slightly, bringing your hands up to your coat collar, a way to trap the warmth yet again.

You and Mina strolled down the street together, the pinkette trailing slowly behind you. It didn't bother you, only the horrible sensation that tickled the pit of your stomach. Ever felt it, that tight feeling, that gut wrenching thought that something bad is going to happen?

You hummed into the (F/C) fabric, closing your eyes as you some how stumbled into the math block.

"You wanna study maths or something?" Mina sniggered, now standing by your side. You frowned, wondering why your legs carried you here.

"Hey, doesn't Bakugou study before classes?" The pinkette piped up, her lips twitching at the corners. "You've come to see, Bakugou!"

"No. I don't know why we're here, Mina. Just a coincidence." You sighed, rolling your (E/C) eyes. Despite not knowing why you'd come here, you padded towards the study room, walking in and plonking yourself down upon a desk, letting your bag slump to the floor, tossing off your coat before resting your head within your arms.

The ashy blonde in front of you peered upwards, his scarlet eyes piecing through your soul. You didn't look up, your head remained within your arms. Bakugou said nothing, before turning his attention back to his notebook.

"Now, if you could all turn to page 165 and start on questions 1a to 3b. I'll be walking around if you require any help." Mr Aizawa said. Everyone complied.

You stared down at the page, trying to make sense of the questions in front of you. seemed pretty straight forward. You started jotting down your answers into your notebook. Letting your mind just slip away as numbers and letters clouded it. You'd been so lost, you hadn't known that the shaggy blacked haired man appeared beside you,

"Y/N?" Mr Aizawa called again, you blinked and looked up at him wide eyed, your classmates all staring.

"Er...? Yes, Sensei?" You questioned, that tight feeling making its way back to your stomach.

"You've been requested by the principal." Your teacher stated, stunned you jolted upwards, bowing before grabbing your things and quickly scurrying out of the room towards the principal office. Your heart raced, hands sweating and face flushing with redness. What could you have done? what had happened?

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