The Bloody Scuffle Ends Unexpectedly!?

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Every single one of them within the room were causing their own destruction towards the room, Michelle swung her knife at the two female college students with methodical preciseness and deadly strength. Each swing of her knife would either end up slicing through air or slashing open a poor teddy bear that was in its way. Stuffing would spill and fly out onto the floor, making the room look like a massacre against plushies was happening. With each missed swing from her knife, Billie and Stella would slash at her arms, cutting up the dark blue fabric of her jumpsuit and drawing blood. However, there was no audible or visible reaction that would show her feeling such pain as she would get back at them with a cut to their arms or bodies, only ever drawing blood, as they did to her.

It was a knife fight, and the amount of blood that was being lost and spilt onto the floor was starting to become alarming. But what was more alarming was how the fight was starting to get more and more brutal; one particular swing of the knife from Michelle was followed up by her viciously latching her hand onto the collar of Billie's shirt and lifting her up in the air before furiously throwing her across the room. Her body barreling towards the still tied-up Bennett, who was in the process of trying to free himself, before inevitably crashing into him. The mass of her body weight would make the chair he was sitting on to ultimately break, thus inadvertently freeing him from his binds. But now, Billie sat on top of him, still dazed after having been thrown by the behemoth of a woman just moments before, until she finally came to her senses and, realizing where she was, giggled as she quickly caressed his chin, "We're almost finished babe. So, no need to worry about us~..." Blowing him a kiss, she quickly got back to her feet and rushed back into the fight, her right hand gripping the handle of the hunting knife with such strength that he thought she was going to crush it; reeling her hand back, he vigorously plunged the blade into the left side of Michelle's waist, who had previously been unleashing slash after stab after slash on poor Stella, who could barely continue keeping up with defending herself much longer. No one moved, everyone remained silent and motionless as a rock, Bennett looked at his three frieee... girlfriends? He didn't even know what they were anymore as he covered his mouth in shock- after all, this was the first time in the fight in which one of them was stabbed.

A few seconds passed before Michelle slowly pivoted around on the heels of her boots, nothing insinuating that the knife being plunged into the side of her abdomen had affected her. Her eyes from within her pale mask (That strangely reminded him of William Shatner) showed no emotion of pain. Just that same unwavering bloodlust and rage that she's always had, and without breaking eye contact, she pulled the knife out of her body, blood pouring out and seeping through her jumpsuit, spilling onto the floor and forming a puddle of that dark crimson liquid. Taking her chance, Stella charged Michelle before driving the blade into her right lateral muscle, blood spewing out but still, she showed no signs of pain. Michelle just- pulled it out, causing more blood to flow out and soak her clothes. "Where are you going, Bennett...?", the tall young woman asked out of nowhere, stopping the fight between the three of them as they all looked over at Bennett. After he was unintentionally freed from the chair which he was tied to, he had begun to meticulously and steadily make his way towards the door, trying his best not to draw attention to himself. Bennett was only a few feet away from the door and his freedom, but when he heard Michelle ask him that, all hopes of running away were shattered. "W-Well you see, I was j-j-ju-just about to...", he let out a shaky sigh before closing his eyes, scared out of his mind as he heard their footsteps approach him at an alarming rate. His eyes continued to be closed shut, even as one of them picked him up by the back of his collar, keeping him suspended above the ground. "You were just trying to escape, weren't you?", Bennett hesitantly opened his eyes to look at the three women before him; all three of them just stared at him with an indiscernible look in their eyes, having taken their masks off, he could only chuckle nervously at the blunder he was in.

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