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Started at RR Mansion raghav said "Amma u here?", Amma said "I think I came wrong time", raghav scratch his head and then they all sit and we're talking with each other. When it was dinner time raghav take them all to a restaurant as he stopped them from cooking.
At deshmuk house amrutha arrives, Mansi was already home and was with kaku in the kitchen. They then had their dinner together when amrutha came and join them.
At a restaurant on a table sits Amma, raghav, pallavi, sunny and Keerthi as the waiter serves them their meal that they order. As they were eating pallavi and raghav were stealing glances of each other when raghav wink at her making her cough on her food.
At deshmuk house kaku and kaka was lying in their bed talking with each other while amrutha and aai was talking with each other as they were sitting.
It's night and in RR mansion Raghav and pallavi was sleeping in each other embrace as Raghav head was in the crook of her neck with his hand around her waist and pallavi hand around his waist as their foot was entangle with each other.
It's morning and in RR mansion Raghav woke up and he kiss pallavi forehead and said good morning as pallavi smile and snuggle more in his chest. Meanwhile Keerthi is in front of the mirror as she was combing her hair when sunny hugs her from behind and said good morning.
At deshmuk house amrutha is in her room readying for work while kaku brings out breakfast on the table.
At RR mansion Raghav and Farhad was sitting in their office and Amma came and told raghav that someone came to meet him and he said to send him in. The man came in after a while and Raghav made him take his seat, he then give Raghav a file that was need to be sign. As Raghav was reading the man was sweating in the ac room and Farhad ask him why is he sweating and the man said his boss is strict and it's already late for him to be at work and he told raghav to sign the file but Raghav was continuing reading it. He then sign it and gave it to the man as he said this looks ok and then the man collects the file and went his way wiping his sweats on his face. Raghav then tell Farhad that he wants every detail about that business and Farhad said ok and raghav said you need to do one more thing and farhad said yah Anna tell.
Episode ends 😊

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