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(20 years later- long time I know)

Lou appointed Debbie as a 50/50 partner in what is now their company. With both of them working together the company continued to grow and flourish. Eventually becoming a globally recognized fashion agency. Surprising everyone, including the employees, at how fast they managed to skyrocket.

They adopted two children, newborn twins, that they named Daphne and Danny. They picked the girls name after a good friend and high-profile client. Danny, of course, they decided to name after Debbie's brother. Lou was a bit salty since everyone in the house had a name that started with 'D' except for her.

However, Debbie made that up to her quickly and she forgot alll about it. The time came to send the kids off to college and shift to the period in life where they became empty nesters. Daphne has chosen to study design in hopes of following in her mom's footsteps. Danny on the other hand has determined psychology as his major.

They praised both of them immensely for their decisions and achievements. Once they actually left, the two were uncertain of where their life should head. Both of them craving for a new adventure, a step in a new direction. They agreed on building a house in Sitka and surprising Debbie's parents by moving there.

After months of contracts and negotiations they finally got it done. They both made sure the project was fast-tracked as they were excited to be going home. Lou never thought she'd had a 'home'. It was new to her, wanting to be around people. But Debbie's family is different.

Every time she's around them, she feels surrounded by love. She feels excepted just for being who she is. Debbie was just happy to be returning to her roots. She loved New York and all the amazing experiences she has the privilege of partaking in. Even so, there's nothing like home for the brunette.

Sitka has always been a beacon of hope for her. A place she knew she could return to if anything were to happen. To have Lou be as eager as herself to move there, made her heart almost leap out her chest. The two had a special place in each of their hearts for the seemingly desolate place.

Debbie got to be close to her family and relax knowing she was surrounded by people who had her best interest. Lou's feelings were of a similar place, yet they felt even deeper. She felt that she had finally found her forever family. Debbie was more than enough for her, their time together has been the best of her life.

The love between them healing her more and more everyday. Eradicating any thoughts of being unwanted or unloved. Debbie single-handedly saved the blonde from her life of emptiness and sorrow. The fact that her family were cut from the same cloth was just a cherry on top for Lou.

So they found themselves back where it essentially all started. Their love burning as bright as the day Lou officially popped the question. Holidays came and went, birthdays being something they celebrated but tried not to think about. The kids would come to visit and the couple would take them sightseeing.

Yet the most precious moments for them were spent alone. Out on the boat or taking a walk through the nearby forest. "Deb" Lou called for her wife's attentions, "mhm" the brunette hummed in response. "We should go skiing" she said seriously and Debbie chuckled to herself.

Lou stopped, making the other woman come to a halt as well. Both of them standing in the middle of the trail. Surrounded by trees and little animals scurrying about. The sun sprinkling through the trees and casting little shadows on their faces.

Hands intertwined as they gazed into each others eyes. "You're serious" Debbie smiled, Lou simply nodded. "So you can fall on your ass and break something" Deb joked. "Well you'll be there to save me" Lou whispers, leaning in to rest her forehead against her lover's.

"Hmmm nah" she replied and the blonde gasped, pulling away from her. "You'd really just let me slide down the mountain?!" She exclaimed, staring at the slightly shorter woman in complete disbelief. "Well you wouldn't want me to get hurt too, right? How am I to help you if we're both on our ass" she shrugged.

"You're evil" Lou scoffed, "but you love it" Debbie teased. "You are right about that" the blonde whispered before leaving in to plant gentle kiss on her lips. "You know what I think we should do?" Debbie asked as she started walking again. "What's that?" Lou asked, "we should go home..." she trailed vaguely.

"Aren't the parents supposed to be coming over tonight?" Lou questions uncertainly, "well... they won't know if we're quick" Deb whispers. "You sound like a horny teenager" Lou chuckles, "gotta keep things fresh" she points out. "I suppose" the blonde agrees.

"So... last one to the house is on bottom" Deb yells as she starts running. "Hey! That's not fair! You know damn well I can't run as fast as you" Lou yells as she starts to chase her silly wife. "Better hurry then" the brunette yells behind her. They reach the house, both of them panting.

"So you won't ski with me, but a foot race is completely acceptable? Good god" the blonde says trying to catch her breath. "Come on" Debbie unlocks the door and pulls her in, "well now I'm tired" Lou grumbles. The brunette approaches her wife and grabs her by the waist.

Whispering something in her ear before pulling back. "You sure about that?" She whispers, the blonde looking back at her with her mouth dropped open and eyes wide. "I call top" the blonde says before running off towards the room deeper in the house. "But you lost!" Debbie yells as she chases her into their bedroom.

"Well I got to the room first" Lou shrugs, "besides... you love it when I take control" she utter softly, curling a finger in a 'cone here' motion. "Fine" Debbie sighs walking over, getting on the bed next to blonde who looks at her with hungry eyes. "God... the things I'm gonna do to you..." the blonde whispers seductively.

Leaning towards Debbie's neck as the brunette tilts her head back and closes her eyes. Lou begins to move down her body quickly, too eager to tease. "KIDS" Grace's voice sounds loud from the living room. "Fuck me" Debbie mutters, "I would if I could, baby" Lou chuckles.

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