Nice To Meet You

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"what if they hate me?" I ask Jessi concerned. "That's funny. They're going to love you. You may be stupid but hell, can you take care of children. That's why you're my babies designated watcher. " I swear, she cant help me when I really need it. "Ads. I promise." I hug my sister goodbye and walk out in hopes I don't fuck everything up. "Adadline. Dont fuck it up with the Halkings." What the fuck have i gotten myself into?

I arrive at a beautiful mansion with flowers everywhere. I hesitate while walking to the doorbell. "You got this. It's just 2 kids." DiNGG DooNgGggg "Hello young lady. You must be Adaline." A beautiful woman speaks. Her voice is so calming. I nod and politely walked in. "OMG YOU'RE SO PRETTYYYY" a little girl screamed, running up to me. "Is this my nanny?" Danilele smiled. The little girl hugged my leg. "Hi," I hugged her back. "Your name is Lizzy right?" "Mhmmmm" she says with confidence. "Non vedo l'ora di essere tuo amico."[Translation: I can't wait to be your friend] the little girl says. "Anche io"[Translation: Me too] I reply lookin down at the girl and her puzzled face. "Wow. I like your hair miss" Says a little boy in the background. "HEY IS THAT MY HAIR BRUSH?" Lizzy yells. "YOU LITTLE-" they both run away screaming. " a few rules. No candy, no tv past 6, AND DO NOT let anyone in the house but me and my husband. Yes?" Danilele asked. "Yes ma'am." I reply playing with my hair.

"Ok, let's go before I change my mind." A sexy man walks down the stairs. Long black hair, tattoo on his neck, beautiful hands. He twisted the expencive watch on his hand and fixed the black tie he wore over his tux. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "Che bella signora si?" [Translation: Beautiful lady yes?] "Si papa!" the little girl yells. "Papa, she speaks Italiana too. Tell him" She runs over to me. "grazie per i complimenti, piacere di conoscerti." [Translation: thank you for the complement, nice to meet you.] "Nice to meet you too." His raspy voice soaks my core. Oh what it would be like to be on top of that. The more I looked away, the more he would check me out. Then before i could look back at him, they were gone

"CANDYYYY??????" Asked Lizzy with excitement. that girl was almost more energetic than a carnaval. "No candy." I tell her, staring back at her disappointed face. "did mommy tell you that? Because, she says a lot of things she doesn't mean. Like when she tells daddy she loves him." I definitely shouldn't have heard that. "Are you sure about that Liz? You mom and dad seem very connected. Maybe its a-" "Yep. she is right. she tells daddy she loves him but then she goes and makes out with uncle Jasper." Wow, the little boy speaks.  " UNCLE JASPERRR!" Both the kids yell.

I spin around to see a 6 foot man walk through the door. Holy fuck was this man sexy. Button down shirt that only had a few buttons in, showing his 6 pac and chest hair. "Hey kiddos. I missed you. I think its time for bed." He walks upstairs with one kid on his back, the other in his arms. His strong arms. I grab my phone to text my sister



Jessi: Dont even start. they're both married. 

Adaline: How old are they?

Jessi: Elijah Halkling is 33 i think and Jasper Halking is 29. 

Before I could respond, Japser walks down the stairs. I throw my phone on the couch. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He smiles. "Its fine. You shouldn't be here. Mr and Ms Halkl-" He cut me off by grabbing my hips and pulling me in as if he was going to kiss me. "How old are you sweetie?" Then suddenly we were interupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

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