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Lesso made quick work of removing me from the dining hall - Dovey attending to the proportionally more beat up girl. Lesso's grip is harsh on my wrist as she drags me through the maze of  corridors.I'm too preoccupied pinching my nose in an attempt to slow the blood flow to notice she isn't taking me to my room. My legs burn at the speed of her movements and my hip screams, feeling bruised.

She makes a sharp turn and flings open a door, it's only then I take in my surroundings. "Lesso, where am I?" I say admiring the décor and aesthetic of the room. It's dark and slightly brooding, but if I'm where I presume to be - it suits her perfectly.

"My room." She mumbles, confirming my suspicions as she rummages through her drawers. She hands me a pile of clothes and a towel. "Go shower, you're getting blood everywhere. And you're covered in food." She grimaces. I avoid touching them with my bloodied hand, which successfully helped to stop my bleeding nose.

I set the clothes down on a shelf and peel off my clothes, of which are not as ruined as they were from my last fight. The hot water streams down my back and I sigh in relief. Ribbons of red are sucked down the drain as I assess the damage Zylia has caused.

From what I saw in the mirror my jaw is the only other damage to my face (excluding my obviously busted nose.) My hip however is a deep purple. Already?!  I groan in frustration and check my arms that are littered with cuts and bruises. Well that explains why the water stung so much. The second worst damage however has got to be my knuckles that are cracked, bruised and bleeding.

I sigh and lather myself in Lesso's scent - cinnamon and pumpkin. A knock sounds softly at the door.

"My love?"

"Who me?" I muse. She chuckles lightly and I smile, applying hot water to my bubbly hair.

"We need to talk, so as soon as you're done..."

"Right."  I reply, an uncanny feeling sitting at the pit of my stomach. I turn off the water and dry off quickly, pulling on my clothes with a wince. I ruffle my hair and leave the towel hanging on the back of the door. When I unlock the room steam piles out and my face is hit with the coldness of her room.

My nose starts to ache and I whimper in pain and shock. Lesso hears me and is to my side in seconds. I indicate to my nose and she sets her fingers on it lightly. Even the slightest touch causes it to throb, however the pain starts to dim as my lover lets out a tired sigh.

"Let's fix you up." She says pulling me onto her lap at her desk.

"Did you just heal my nose?"

"Unfortunately not. I did however numb the area so I could fix it." She explains patiently. She pulls me further into her body as her cold hands dance along my warm skin. She removes her rings as she gets to my face, noting the coldness of them causes my eyes to water.

I brace myself for what is to come next, reminding myself that this will probably hurt. Even with my redheads numbing spell.

She puts her hands on my nose, looking to see where it needs re-aligning. When she finds it she looks at me. "On" She moves it back into place. I gasp and grip her shoulder - eyes watering. "Good girl." I almost stopped breathing at the nickname but she passed it as the reaction to pain.

Once finished with bandaging me up she lifts me up and walks over to the bed, gently setting me down. I crawl under the covers which are contrastingly cool compared to my natural temperature. Leonora takes off her heels and tie before joining me.

I lie down quietly and she does beside me, entwining our hands. I move to look at her, finding her eyes already roaming my face.
"Your lessons are going to be separate until we can be sure you won't attack each other again." She starts, relaying her quick meeting with Dovey whilst I was cleaning myself up.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired." I whisper, eyes losing focus.

"Of course. Get some rest, love." She dotes, kissing my forehead. I snuggle into her coolness. This is the first time I've been in her room.  Her hand brushes through my hair, which is magically dry. 
A comfortable silence settles upon us as she lifts my chin to meet her eyes.

I look into those voids of grey-blue I was entranced with on my first day here. I run my fingers along her cheekbone, not stopping as I reach her lips. Her arm draped over my waist pulls me closer - gently as to not hurt the bruise colouring it.

She stops my hand as it reaches the middle of her bottom lip, pulling it from her face so she can lean in to kiss me. She kisses me softly, tongue ghosting my lips. I push myself closer to her, craving her touch. How can I want someone's presence so badly?

She rolls on to her back, pulling my body on top of hers, not even breaking the kiss. I cup her face in my hands. Hers station themselves at their usual spot - my waist, one running up and down my spine, pushing away the cloth of her t-shirt. The air is cold on my back and she breaks the kiss - leaving me wanting more.

"Sleep baby." She hums, with a tone of finality.

"What's with the new nickname?" I voiced, noticing she's been calling me 'baby' all day.

"Why? Don't like it?"  She muses.

"Quite the contrary." I smirk back.

"Noted." She closes her eyes and I let myself fall into the essence that is her. Her presence, her heartbeat, her scent, her clothes as I drift to sleep.

She left at some point during my slumber as the room turned painfully cold, only to return a few hours later and climb into bed behind me. Her arms enveloping me in their safety and pressing herself against me as if I would leave if she didn't.

I fell back asleep quickly, safe in her arms.

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