I am winning this war there is no more resistance I shall destroy them all. As a robot walks in he said" Master we have capture the prisoners and set a trap for Gandhi". Good good now is the time to set the act where the war will begin. Bring me Brayden and his sidekick but don't harm them. I will deal with them my self. Then a giant size pizza came crashing in. A loud voice came and said" Do you want a slice of this or justice. It was Akash with his team of super powered friends. Nathan has the ability to run at light speed and a quick mind. Hunter has the ability to change shrink are grow anything including himself. Last but not least Sebastian who can absorb any substance he touches. They are the Presents a team fill with the gifted people. "Nathan "Akash yells find Ben and Brayden. Not so fast said the robot's master as a bunch of robots come to attack the team. But the robots were beat with ease "Uh oh" said the robot's master. Well I got to go as he blast off setting to blow up the place. "Save all the people in here" said Akash as they rush off to save the people. Boom the place blows up with nothing but a huge black spot. In the distance there is a huge shield cover them with Ben, Brayden, and the team. "Well that was a blast said "Ben. "Shut up and no jokes said "Brayden.