Candy Store

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I sit at the bus stop waiting on the idiot I like to call my best friend. I hear footsteps I look at him. "Hey." He says monotonously. I swing my arm back and hit his stomach. He doubles over. "I deserve that." He says in a strained voice. "Damn right." The bus arrives and we get on.

Then another bus,

Then another. Until we get to Beverly High. "Welcome to Beverly Hills." "Nope. I'm out." I turn around to start walking and he grabs me by my bag.

We go down the stairs. "Now remember you're both here on a academic permit, which can be revoked if you don't maintain your GPA." Coach Baker says as we walk down the stairs. "But I've seen your records that shouldn't be an issue exceptional grade average above grade level testing. You won't miss a day at play. Now Gemini you need fund an extracurricular to join. We have music baking dance cheer-" "cheer. You have cheerleading?" I ask. "I'll go ahead and sign you up." At Crenshaw, I couldn't join the team. One of the girls found out I was pregnant and threatened to spill if I didn't step down as captain.

"Look no fighting or it's over. One and done." "Got it. Wheres the bathroom?" I ask. He points to it. I walk over to where it say girls and open the door.

I check my reflection. These bathrooms are way nicer than Crenshaw. I could lick the floor. I finish with some chapstick and leave the bathroom. I take my jacket off and place it in my bag. Letting it hang on my shoulder.

I see Spencer leaning on the wall waiting for me. "Dude?" "What?" "Uh, jacket?" I look around and people are staring at me. "Some people want what they can't have let's go. Can't be late on the first day." He throws an arm around.

He drops me off at art class. I walk inside. I feel eyes on me and sit down at an easel. "Okay, class today we are going to create a new world in our canvas. Draw a place you'd imagine going. Someplace you've never gone before." She states.

I pick up a brush. I turn the canvas to the side. I look at the contents of the painting. I scan every color and see which ones create what. I start painting.

The bell rings

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The bell rings. "Alright class that's it for today." I put the brush down and grab my bag. I get a text from Spence saying to meet him at lunch.

I look around the yard and see Spencer talking to a girl. She's pretty and he's smiling. I put my headphones on and bop my head. I dance until I'm by him and bump him. He chuckles as he looks at me. I take them off and keep the music on. "Olivia this is my best friend Gemini." "And before you ask no I am not a Gemini," I state. "Nice to meet you." I shake her hand. "Jesus is it me or is everyone tall as hell." "Just you niglet." My mouth drops and I punch him in the chest.

"You must be Spencer." We turn around and see a tall guy who looks like Olivia. God damn he's fine Shawn might have some competition. "Jordan Baker. QB. Team captain." "Baker?" I ask. "You must be Gemini. I thought my dad was lying when he said you were short." I scowl. "Funny." "Oh, so you must be-" "Yeah coach is my dad. Well, our dad. I'll take it from here Olivia." He states.

"Come on let me introduce you to the rest of the team."

"Sushi on Friday?" He asks her as we walk away. "It's a date." He turns around. I nudge him. "What?" "SuShI oN fRiDaY?" I mock. He puts his arm around my neck. "Ew! Ew! Ew!" I say beating on his huge arm. "What was that?" "You smell like the Great Depression and despair." I gag dramatically. Jordan laughs softly. "Okay! Let me go! Before I flash the entire school! He takes his arm from around my neck and shove him. I shudder in disgust.

"Meet the crew. This is Sarah and Leila an up top Lucy JJ and Asher." "Hey, what's up? Spencer." He shakes their hands. I nod slowly. Jesus Christ this is a lot of white.

"Sarah's HC." "Head cheerleader." I smile at her. "For real. I'm trying out later." "Really? You?" She asks looking me up and down. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "I love your top." "Thanks. I like yours too." Note to self stay away from the white girls.

"So are you two dating?" JJ asks. I scrunch my face. I look at Spencer and he holds the same expression. "Fuck no!" "Hell no!" We say offended. "Oh, I just thought since you two were-" "Our moms are best friends so we grew up together," I state. I reach for JJ's tray. "May I?" I ask. He holds it out to me. I take it. "Wow. This is what you guys eat?" I ask. "God if I knew food was like this I would've dragged your ass out here earlier," I tell Spencer. "You drag me? You punched me twice before we got here." "I punch everybody," I state.

Leila Jordan and JJ laugh. "So how are you liking Beverly?" She asks us. "I haven't gotten dress coded yet. So to be determined." "I know it probably feels like lost footage or rich kids from Instagram but it's not so bad once you give it a chance." She states. "I'm sure it'll grow on me." He states. Ooh, two crushes Spencer James you dog. I sit next to JJ and continue to eat. "Is that a Gemini symbol?" He asks. "Ya. I got it when I was 14." "You're parents let you get a tattoo." He asks. "No. So don't tell." He smiles widely. I like this guy.

"Hey so lay it on me. Crips or Bloods?" I look at Asher. "Sorry?" "Excuse me?"

"I'm dying to check out a crip walk for real." I stand up. "Yo yo, he's just joking man. Ignore him." "Asher you wouldn't know a Crip walk if it bit you in the damn white ass." JJ jokes.

"That didn't sound like a joke to me bro." "Say it again," I tell him. "Don't be so sensitive." "Sensitive?" We say in unison. I tap Spencer on the chest lightly as I remember Coach Baker's words. "Know what? You're not worth it." I grab my bag and we walk off. "Thanks for the welcome."

"Still think coming here was a good idea," I ask.

 "Still think coming here was a good idea," I ask

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I sit on the bleachers in the gym. Some of the football team is here. Like Jordan JJ and Asher...ion like his hateful ass. I see Spencer. I fix my sports bra. I walk up to him. "Yo, you got this Ight?" "No shit. I'm the best cheerleader in Crenshaw." I state. "That's my girl." We do our handshake and I walk down the bleachers. "You really think you have a chance here?" Sarah asks. "How about you save your weak-ass judgment for a bitch who cares," I state. I back up. I point to the girl with the music.

"Sarah's the best cheerleader here. Gemini can't top her." "Watch my girl work." One of the cheerleaders presses play.

They all clap. "So how'd I do?" I ask Sarah. She looks pissed. Especially when she's Jordan staring at me. "If you think shaking your ass and hopscotching is enough to be HC. Then you better go back to the hood playa." I raise an eyebrow. "Wow, I didn't know the whole mean girl thing was real. Well, then Regina George let's let your little posse decide who should be HC." "Now?" She asks. "No I get you're scared so how about HOCO," I state. "I am not scared of some pint-sized hoodrat from the slums." "Good and I'm not afraid of some puta blanca who thinks she can scare me into submission," I state. She glares at me and I smile. "So am I on the team or not?" "You're on the team. But you take orders from me." She states. "I can live with that," I say with a shrug.

Head Bitch In Charge(Jordan Baker)Where stories live. Discover now