Chapter One - Anna

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August 9th 1986 in Portland, Maine, USA. Anna Kendrick was born. Daughter of Janice and William Kendrick. Younger sister to Michael Kendrick.

Everyone knew that Anna was going to be something special in life.

By the age of 5 she was making everyone laugh with her silly little jokes that 5 year olds come out with.
"You know, I think she's going to become an actress one day" William says to his wife, Janice whilst watching their daughter show off and bring herself which is a little drama queen. "You think so?" Janice asks. "Yep. I think so, you just wait." William says with lots of confidence a big smile.

Anna comes running over to her parents and asks them to answer her next joke. "Okay, Anna, go ahead.. Tell us" Janice widens her eyes whilst sitting back into the brown leather sofa. "What do you call a fish with no eyes?" Anna asks with bursts of laughter coming out. "What? I have no clue" Janice responds. "A fshhhhh" Anna tells her mother whilst giggling to herself. Everyone in the room starts to laugh at Anna being the silly little thing she is.

"Yeah, I think you're right Will, she will be our little actress" Janice says proudly to her husband.

*Present Day* - Anna's POV

"Hey.... Hey Anna" One of Anna's best friends, Katy says whilst nudging my side. "What Kate?" I moan. What do you call a fish with no eyes?" Katy asks her whilst laughing to herself. "What?" seeming curious, not remembering that I told my parents that same joke when I was an innocent little 5 year old. "A fshhhhh" Katy winks over to me. I shake my head at her. Apparently I didn't look surprised at Katy's silliness, well that's what Bonnie said to me.

"You know you told that to your parents when you were like 5 right?" Katy asks. "What, how'd you know that?" I respond to her question with another question. "They told me at the BBQ we had not that long ago" Katy informed me.

I'm trying to remember the BBQ we had 'not that long ago' as Katy implies. It takes me a while, "Oh, shit yeah" I blurt out after a 5 second awkward silence between the three of us.

I have a lot on my mind at the moment, especially now that we're filming the second Pitch Perfect. There are so many different scenes to remember and so many more new characters to get used to. Being on set is fun, but you're there for about 8 or 9 hours a day filming and re-doing scenes. But I guess that was my dream, to become the actress I am now. I have my two best friends and we made a promise to each other, when we first met that we were going to do great things with our lives.

Now, 13 years down the line, I'm an actress, Katy's a singer and Bonnie is co-writing music and writing her own music. I guess if you do follow your dreams, you'll get there one day. Look at us 3 idiots - we some how made it. But it does take a lot of work to get there, it just doesn't happen over night. Look at Katy, she started singing when she was 9. Now she's 30, like woah she's tried so hard.

"Hey guys do you wanna go to the club tonight? I heard that a certain Diplo and Skrillex are going to be there" Bonnie asks us. She winked over at Katy when she said Diplo's name. There was this thing going round about her and Diplo a couple months ago, but it was nothing serious. "Yeah, sure I'm up for it" Katy replies to Bonnie with a smile. "Anna you in?" Katy nudges me again. "Yeah, sure I'll go. But only if you don't nudge me that hard again" I let out a slight laugh. "Uhhhh fine, bossy boots" Katy moans at me this time. "Weirdo" I let it just slip out my mouth by accident. Bonnie just laughs at my mistake, whilst Katy gives me the death stare whilst sat next to me. "Idiot" Katy mumbles, loud enough so that everyone else can hear her.

I'm so glad I chose these weirdos as friends.

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