Chapter 1

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Anthony, AKA Burgerpants, was extremely bored. The only person that's come into the restaurant today was that weird kid. He was starting to drift off when his phone rang. He groaned and answered it. He was greeted by Mettaton's voice.

"Please help me!" He cried.

"What do you want?" Anthony asked.

"I'm dying! Please!" Mettaton screamed through the phone.

"Boss, this isn't funny." Anthony replied with a groan.

"I'm not joking! PLEASE!" Mettaton yelled.

"Fine. Where are you?" Anthony asked.

"Ride The Core elevator up and go into the room next to it." Mettaton answered.

Anthony hung up and walked into The Core. He entered the elevator and pushed the up button. After a short while, the elevator doors opened. He walked into the room next to it and gasped. There lied Mettaton, in a completely new form, lifeless. Dust was slowly leaking out of him.

Anthony ran to him and kneeled.

"Mettaton, can you hear me?" He asked.

He received a nod.

"I'm gonna try to fix you, okay?"

Another nod.

Anthony picked up Mettaton, who was surprisingly light, and brought him down to the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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