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A little girl with dirty-blonde hair wrapped her chubby arms around my waist when I stepped into the clearing. There were a couple machines left in the clearing, but Aster had told me that most of the construction had already been finished. They were working on the interior now.

I stared at the huge white mansion in awe, holding the little girl against my chest. "Woah..." I breathed. It was a three-floor white house, with arched windows and a huge veranda wrapping around the whole thing. I looked down at the child still attached to my body. "Hello?" I questioned, pushing her away slightly. I held her out at arm's length. Her eyes were a bright green, and her curls reached the middle of her back. Her skin was tan, like she spent every day out in the sun, and she looked to be around six or seven. 

Aster walked up behind me. "Loki, hands to yourself," he scolded.

She pulled away, pouting. "But, Aster-"

Aster snapped his fingers, and I watched Loki cower. "I said hands to yourself. This is our new guest, you aren't to overwhelm him yet. I don't want you or the other ones touching him. At all. Do you hear me?" I didn't like how sharp Aster's tone was, it made my stomach twist uncomfortably. I felt like I was supposed to listen to him, even though it wasn't me he was speaking to. 

Loki frowned. "But Suki and them are all really excited to see-"

Aster growled low in his throat, despite not being in his wolf form. Loki ducked her head, holding her tongue. I bent down and patted her head reassuringly. "Don't worry about it, I'll hang out with you some other time. And all the other pups."

Loki's eyes gleamed. "Really?"

Aster grabbed my wrist. "Human, I did not tell you to-"

"Red, my name's Red, by the way," I said. I couldn't believe I hadn't told him my name yet. I wasn't very good with small talk. The only people I'd talked to for years were Adam and Jamie. Speaking of my friends, I had called Jamie back after I saw I had twenty-three missed calls from her. She answered, screaming, and made Aster jump when she finally picked up. I told her I had a really bad stomach-ache and was puking my guts out. I ended the call quickly because I didn't like how curious Aster looked when he was watching me talk to them. Adam took the phone, said I had a tiny dick, and promptly hung up. 

Aster arched an eyebrow. "I know. I heard your friend scream it."

I nodded. "Right." I looked back up at the mansion. Loki had already taken off, skipping across the clearing towards the front door. A woman opened the door and let her inside, ushering her past the big doors. "Who's that?" I asked, turning to Aster. 

Aster gave a sharp shake of his head. "I asked for you to keep questions to a minimum," he said disdainfully.

I shrugged. "I can't help it. I'm kind of curious. Can you blame me?"

"I blame you for this splitting headache."

"Should've thought of that before you bit me. Come on beefcake, I want to see the inside of this mansion!" I barked. 

Aster grimaced. "You're lucky I feel bad for biting you, otherwise you wouldn't be speaking to me in such a tone. It won't be long before you start behaving, I can tell you that," Aster added, somewhat menacingly as he stalked after Loki towards the house.

I watched his back for a few moments, then bounded up beside him. "You can't just hint at something and then not tell me," I whined. "I want to know- am I going to turn into a werewolf? Am I going to become as grumpy as you?"

Aster glanced at me over his shoulder. "I'm only grumpy because you went where you didn't belong, and now I'm paying the consequences."

"Well I'm about to turn into a werewolf I think I've been punished pretty accordingly. Why'd you bite me anyways?"

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