Chapter 6: Those Who Rose (Cont'd)

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Marinette sighs, drawing in her sketchbook as she tries to feign off her annoyance, though it hardly did anything to take her mind off of it.

She crumpled up the page of her sketchbook she was scribbling on and threw it in her trash can. She sighed, glaring down at the rubbish bin before she looked to her clock, which was sat on the top of her white dresser.

It was almost four forty-two, which meant the bakery was about to reach it's busiest hours.

Luckily, her mother said that she only had to work on weekends, as to not interfere with her school, so today she was off the clock. A relief, since she was surely not in any mood to bake anything, as much as she enjoyed it some days.

Though, when she read the clock, something else caught her eye.

She's rearranged and reorganized her room countless amounts of times, but she's still able to memorize every inch of her room. Though, what she didn't recognize was the small black box on her dresser, which seemed to be placed perfectly, to where it was hidden by a pencil case but visible at the right angle in the room.

Marinette quickly grabbed the box and opened it up. As soon as the top popped up, a bright red glow emitted from it, blinding her as she dropped it out of fear.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you have been decided to represent the light at the end of the tunnel, the last hope for your humanity," a low, booming voice announced, seemingly from thin air, "though, it's not a job that you'll saddle on your own, you'll have others who will join you when the time comes."

Marinette's jaw opens as she looks around. She can't form coherent thoughts, though millions of abstract beliefs run through her head. "W-what?!"

"You'll protect the city of Paris from the evil that lurks underground with the help of the Ladybug miraculous, which will grant you the power of creation. Will you accept these abilities, along with the responsibilities that come with them?" it beckons, as the cloud of red appears once more, and a small creature opens its eyes and looks at Marinette.

"Marinette, my name is Tikki, and I am the kwami of creation. Are you up for the challenge of being the protector of Paris?" Tikki introduces, holding her hand out. "If you accept, press your thumb down on my forehead, take all the time needed to decide."

The aura encapsulates her, and she can't look away from the kwami's eyes. It traps her attention, and all the doubts and worries that she used to wear wash off her back and into the gutter.

"I accept," she mumbles out with a smile on her lips. She does as told, and the kwami's polkadots turn white.

Tikki gives a smirk, handling what was once the box she'd emerged from, but was now a red and black yo-yo. "Thank you, Marinette. You won't regret your decision. Paris needs your help, we don't have much time."

"I don't understand, I keep hearing that, but why? What's going to happen, why was I chosen, of all people? What is this thing?" Marinette queries with a soft light, still engulfed in the magic. "I feel weird, but really awesome at the same time. Will I always feel like this?"

"I'm sure of it."

The teen girl smiles, taking the yo-yo to inspect it herself, accidentally opening it up, which revealed a mechanism resembling a smartphone. It has pages and pages explaining the miraculous and how to use it. "What will I have to do?"

"We're not entirely sure yet, all though we have our theories. There was a similar miraculous to this one, one that granted the holder to make up otherworldly creations. We're scared of what's to come, which is why we need you." Tikki explains, a nervous expression painted on her lips.

"I don't get it, though. What's so special about me, I'm just a fifteen year-old girl who can barely get through high school."

"I'm not the one who decides it, and neither is anyone on Earth. It was fate who chose you, for better or for worse. But—" the kwami starts to say, though she's promptly cut off.

A strong vibration shook the building, causing trinkets to fall off her nightstand, breaking when it reached the ground. Marinette stumbled to her knees, being caught off guard, though she at first didn't connect things.

She assumed it was a harsh earthquake, though it eventually dawned on her; this was what Paris needed saving from.

Marinette looks at the kwami, still overcome by an intense high. "Is it time?"

"Yes, yes! We mustn't waste much time, there's mostly everything you'll need to know about your powers in your yo-yo, though to unlock it you'll need to transform into your form, and I'll be gone when that happens!" Tikki states, waving her arms in the air, "The words to activate are 'Tikki, Spots On!'."

"Tikki, Spots On!"

Momentarily, Marinette's eyesight is heavily impaired, replacing her near-perfect eyesight with a blurry pink fog in her eyes. Though, with her sight gone, her other senses have strengthened greatly. She can feel her hair grow longer and out of the twin ponytails she tied them in earlier that day, along with her lounge outfit getting swapped with a much tighter, breathable fabric that covered most of her body.

A mask covered most of her face besides her mouth, and a matching utility belt formed around her hips.

When her eye sight was finally back, she almost couldn't believe it, but it was if a switch had been flipped; she no longer had any doubts, she felt like she was on top of the world.

She looked in the full-body mirror, her suit was polka dotted red and black with a solid patch of black on the gloves, feet, and some of her stomach area. Her mask was ruby red with deep black dots sprinkled in subtly.

Wasting no time, she looked out her window to see what this was about, and she soon saw it; a figure tearing through the city and destroying everything in the process.

She opened the window and climbed the utility latter to get down on foot, where she slid through the alleyways to inch closer and take cover to look at her yo-yo.

It was pretty simple to use, it was just like her own phone, and it had a directory that lead her to her abilities.

Lucky Charm grants the user to create an object to aid them in battle, decided by fate to perfectly solve their problem and stop their opponent. This can only be used once in a single transformation, and can only disappear once broken in half.

Once the object is destroyed, it will repair any damage caused from the time the holder had been in their superhero form, though only if the time from which the holder transformed and the point the holder destroyed their Lucky Charm was in a single transformation. Going back to civilian mode will null the reverse affects the object has.

To activate, simply say "Lucky Charm!"

"So, I have a power called..Lucky Charm-" she starts to say as she skimmed through the passage, accidentally activating her power in the process.

A red and black polka-dotted rope appeared in the air about ten feet above her, falling on her head, though it didn't heart her much despite being heavy. "Seriously? I was expecting, like, a bazooka, or something."

More screams could be heard, which caused her to run quickly to it's source. Now that she was much closer, she could make out what it was; a tall, almost robotic creature with a metal arm that seemed like a power drill.

Most of the people had already evacuated, though a few were caught underneath the fallen structural beams from a gigantic hotel that had collapsed under the pressure.

"Hey!" the heroine called out, grabbing the monster's attention. "You better stop terrorizing the citizens of Paris, or...or..."

It turns around, lifting it's right arm, the one with the power drill, and shooting out an incredibly strong vibration.

And it was heading rapidly at her, specifically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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