chapter two

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"YOU THINK MOM is gonna behave?", Love asked. Jamal immediately side eyed her in response. There was no way in hell. Hell could freeze over, and Cookie would still drag Lucious's ass if she had the chance. It had been two days since Cookie got out of prison. They hoped that she would calm down a little. She did not. "Yeah, I didn't think so", Love stated, the two of them laughing. It was kind of funny. She and Jamal had only known each other for two and a half days, but they had a lot in common. They were bonding quite quickly as a result. She looked up at the large, glass building. "Should we go get her?"

Jamal paused for a moment before nodding. "We definitely should", he said as he opened his car door. "She gon go in there and fuck shit up."

Love nodded, following after his brother. They made it to Cookie just in time to hear Lucious's assistant yelling after the woman. "You can't just go in there!"

"Getcho ass out the way!", Cookie shouted back, putting some bass in her voice.

"Ah, hell", Love sighed, chasing after her mother. Lucious's office was huge. It was filled with expensive art and awards. Love was in awe of it. She wouldn't tell her mother that, though. Not directly. Still, it made her sad as well. It only made her realize how little she knew about her father. Did he have all this art because he liked it, or was it just a show of wealth? "Whoa."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the queen has returned", Lucious stated as he entered the room. Lucious Lyon was the definition of larger than life. His mere presence seemed to fill the room. Love took her time to study him and his rounded face. His dark facial hair was neatly trimmed. He kept his inky black hair neatly slicked back that day. There was mischief in his hazel eyes. Darkness too. She was a bit startled to realize that they had the same nose, between slender and wide. Their nostrils even flared the same. Her eyebrows were straight now, from years of getting them trimmed that way, but once upon they had arched like her father's.

She'd always thought she looked most like her mother. Looking at Lucious now, she realized she was wrong. She was every bit her father's daughter. Hell, she was even closer to his skin tone than she'd thought. It was undeniable.

"Wow. 17 years later, and you are still beautiful", Lucious continued. He didn't seem to notice Love studying him. If he did, he didn't care.

"And I'm gonna see my way out", Love murmured, going to find Jamal. She wasn't gonna stick around for that shit. If they wanted to start flirting, she didn't wanna be around to see it.

"They gon fight, or they gon fuck, one or the other", she informed Jamal as she caught up with him. "And I ain't tryna be around for noun one."

"Yeah, me either", Jamal snorted. "You wanna see the studio I record in?"

"Uh, duh", Love answered. "You ain't even have to ask."

Jamal took her to the studio, and explained how the sound board worked to her, along with the producer that was in the room. He'd been doing some over time.

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