478 33 15

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wake up!"
You felt yourself being shaken around, and woke up to see Tanjiro giving you a concerned look.

"Huh? How long have I been asleep for?"
You groaned as you sat up, rubbing your forehead.

"About an hour or two. It's almost dinner,"
Tanjiro explained, then going to a pout.

"Jeez, you slept through everything I told you! How do you even finish your own homework?"
He scolded.

"Barely on time,"
You replied, stretching your arms.

You stuffed your homework into your bag and stood up,
"I think I'll finish this tomorrow. I'm gonna use the bathroom,"

You left the room to do your business, and when you finished washing your hands, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Your canine teeth were a bit longer than earlier, and your skin was turning a pale hue.


Checking your phone, you found that it was already sundown.

The whole game plan you'd set up for this sleep over was that you'd eat dinner before night, and then you'd immediately go to sleep to not risk any of Tanjiro's family seeing you like... this.

But now your hopes were dashed, and you quickly retreated to the bread boy's room.

"Maybe a sleepover wasn't such a good idea, I think I might just head home,"
Grabbing your things, you headed for the door only to be stopped by Tanjiro.

He asked, successfully blocking you from the exit.

You could easily just push him away, but he was your friend! You wouldn't do that to him.

"I can't be seen looking like this, what if your family calls the cops on me?!"

He shook his head,
"They wouldn't do that! We're all very understanding,"

You gave him a judgmental look,
"You thought I was going to eat you the first time you saw me like this,"

"Well to be fair, you were talking all creepy and chased me through the trees in the pitch black night,"

Guess he had a point.

"And I want you to stay here too! First sleepovers are a pretty big milestone for friendship,"
He reasoned.

Milestone?! What the hell are the other ones then?!

You sighed in defeat,
"Fine. I'll stay. But I'm not going to be leaving this room,"

He gave you a triumphant smile,
"Works for me!"

With nothing else to do, you ended up finished the homework you meant to put off till tomorrow.

"It should be about dinner now. I'll bring you a plate, don't move a muscle!"
Tanjiro commanded before hurriedly leaving.

He wasn't so sure on whether or not you actually meant to stay, so he wanted to be quick as to not give you an escape opportunity.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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