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They leaving the party not knowing the girls was pulling up to they shit, but the girls got to they crib before them..

"Bro i need ice bih stop by the store" mir said holding his arm that nelani was punching
"Damn twin what happen i thought you was jus going to get nelani" tez said
"Bro i was her crazy ass started fighting me for helping her dumb ass" mir said mad asf

"Im telling yall if we aint grab nomie ass and nelani they wouldvebeen in cuff" jayrob said

"Bro how tf did nelani get to that bitch her crazy ass" mir said laughing
"Nigga ion kno one minute she was by us next i see her mushing that bitch head  into the dirt" tana said

"Nah tana isyss got it her ass tried to  dent my shit hitting people" jayrob said laughing hard asf

*so the guys reminiscing over what happen wit the girls laughing nd shit but shortly stopped remembering tez had got into it as well

"Man im mad asf you let that nigga slam you t" jayrob said

"His bitch ass tryna sneak me ong i catch that fuck nigga its up  im killing dat shit" tez said angrily

*Hahha tana laughing " you let dat punk ass nigga bitch you up" tana making fun of tez
"Man you couldve clipped velly right then, you let dat nigga up the clip on you and he walked away" tez said mocking tana

"Aye yall niggas chill we gon show them lame ass niggas what it is when the time come" jayrob said
Dapping up mir in the front seat

* so the boys got to the corner store shortly and mir and tez walk in the store annoyed asf

So as jamir checking out he hear girls behind him laughing and giggle
Tez tryna figure out what slushie he wants his ass not even paying attention

so mir not gaf he dont turn around and was pulling money out his pocket when he heard his name

"DAMN BIG ASS HEAD SUM SHIT NEVER CHANGE wassup jamir " shayda says tryna flirt wit mir

*he throw his hand back not even noticing fr who he talking to
"Yoo waddup waddup"

Tez walking over to him wit a werid look on his face

"Yoo nigga yk you talking to that bitch shayda"

"Boy tez fuck you"shayda said

" heyyyy tez"kiya said

* tez barely gave her a head nod going back talking to mir

"Tez you look good, whats good link up later" kiya said

"Nahh im straight"tez said
* mir not entertaining the conversation he grabbing his change and grabbing his bag of ice

Tez put his stuff down and paid for it

"Yall really fucking wit dem dirty ass hoes mir youn miss home"shayda said laughing

"Ight you see how nelani did yo shit" mir said struggin his shoulders tryna warn her

"Boy ill beat yo bitch on her best day, dat hoe know who to play wit" shayda said all hyped

"And her friend got a staring problem think shawty mad i got her mans" kiya said

" bitch youn got shit yo stank ass, dont say no dumb ass shit like that man mir lets go these stank ass hoes fucking up my eye site" tez said seriously while mir laughed walking out the store

"Wtf u seen in that bitch any way" tez asking mir
"She eat dick like a goblin" mir said laughing

"Oh then I understand " tez laughing and dapping up mir

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