"have fun on your dates"

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b: goodnight *he turns of the light*

*the next morning*
b: i'm leaving tomorrow so can you help me pack?
p: a good morning would be nice first
b: good morning, now can you help
p: fine
b: this or that one? *he holds up some jeans*
p: ugh brent you really need to get some cargo pants those skinny jeans are getting old
b: maybe
p: cause you looked good in the once's you wore skiing
b: thank you *he blushes*
p: oh shhh
b: the groups coming over in 5!
p: your finished packing now anyways *she closes his suitcase*
b: i'm gonna miss you
p: your the one leaving *she laughs*
b: i knowww
p: we can always meet at the hotel in singapore or the airport
b: i have a date in singapore anyways so i'll come to the hotel
p: who's the date
b: and that... i can't tell you *he smirks*
p: ugh fine

*they hang out with the group etc and it's the morning of brent leaving*
b: morning
p: it's so earlyyy
b: you need to drive me to the airport though so get uppp *he pulls her out of bed*
p: your hair looks good when it's messy *she pats his head*
b: god i'm gonna miss you *he takes the handle of his suitcase and wheels it out the room*
p: i'll miss you moreee
b: can you open the doors - my hands are full
p: yess i will *she pushed open the car door*
b: *puts the suitcase in the back*
p: the worst part is, is that your away on a date so it's even worseee
b: i'm sorry
p: you better be *she says sarcastically*
b: let me buy you starbucks as a gift before i leave *he pushes the steering wheel towards starbucks*
p: aren't you gonna be late
b: nah it's okay
*pierson pulls up to the window*
b: can i get ....*the order lol*
p: i'll pay
b: excuse me. no
p: you always pay
b: and is it a gift if you pay for it
p: no
b: i didn't think so
*he pays and hands it to pierson*
b: now let's gooo i don't want to be late

at the airport:
b: i'm going to miss youu
p: i'll miss you too!
*they hug*
p: don't do anything stupid brent *she smiles*
b: i won't but i'll do this.. *he kisses her*
p: now go they're calling you over
b: bye piersonnn
*they hug one more time*

piersons pov:
it's gonna be weird not having brent around especially cause i know he's kissing other girls & going on dates the whole time

<<a few days passed & pierson arrives in singapore & brent comes to the hotel room>>
*he knocks on the door*
*they run up to eachother & hug*
b: omg i missed you
p: same *she hugs him again*
b: i still have my singapore date to go on
p: oh yeah i forgot about that
b: i'm leaving right now though
p: ohh come here after then
b: we can come here after if you want
p: we?
b: yeah, your my date now let's go the reservation is at 6 and that's in 20 mins *he takes pierson hand*
p: i didn't think i was actually going to be one of your dates
b: are you kidding? ofc you would be
p: last time i wasnt
b: that was last time and you couldn't be one cause i would have picked you
p: ugh i still don't forgive you for that though
b: we're here!
p: this one?
b: yess what else would it be?
p: it's like the most expensive one here
b: duhhhh where else would i take you
p: i swear i would have been fine with a mcdonald's
b: well we're here now so let's enjoy it *he takes her hand*

*they have a nice date & get back at the hotel*
p: where else are you having dates then?
b: india, paris, london, a few others too
p: paris?
b: yeah why
p: no nothing it's fine
b: you wanted to go to paris?
p: yeah and you knew that
b: i knowww but like..
p: *interrupts him* but what you didn't want to go with me
b: no it's not that it's just
p: just what brent? you knew i wanted to go to paris with you again sooo bad
b: i know you always go on about it
p: so your going to go on a my dream date with you with some random girl you've only just met
b: yeah..
p: wow brent
b: i can take you another time
p: you wont, you've been saying this for ages now
b: i'm sorry
p: your not now get out of my hotel room
b: pierson..
p: out now *she pushes him towards to door*
b: so i'm gonna leave, you mad at me and not see you for a week
p: it's your fault
b: we can't do this
p: well that sucks cause we are
b: call me
p: how about, no
b: please pierson, in the morning
p: maybe
b: pierson stop this please *he tries to kiss her*
p: brent wth? *she pushes him away and walks back*
p: you need to pick me or those other girls
b: it's for a video pierson
p: but your still doing it brent *she raises her voice*
b: because it's fake it's all acting pierson
p: that doesn't mean you can't fall in love while acting
b: i'm not going to. stop overreacting.
p: just leave i don't want to see you anymore
*brent walks out*
p: have fun on your dates

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