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becas povs...

I woke up without Sam by my side this is the first time that she's not beside me every time we slept together and I hate it

"Sam.." I called her

I got up and walked out of the room, it was very quiet around

I went down and I saw mommy and richie in the living room like they've been waiting for me to go downstairs

"mom, richie?"

richie walk towards me and hug me immediately

"wait.." I push him "why are you here." I ask both of them Im so confused

I look at mom and I saw her, she's worried she wants to tell me something

"where are they? where's Sam?"

I have a bad feeling

"Sam request for a brain Therapy.." I was shock of what she said


Sam would never leave me

she needs me

"but she's good , she's okay mommy.."

I felt so mad right now

"Did Sam and I make the wrong decision to come back here? All of you plan this?..." I ask aggressively

I took the lamp shade and threw it on the wall

"tell me.." I yelled

richie hold my hand

"Sam is the one who wants this.. she thinks you not deserve her cause she's very weak.."

"MY GOD RICHIE her brain just messing up with her, you guys should not let her leave, she needs me.." I yelled at him

I cried

I was about to fall when richie catch me

"She needs you but she wants to be strong too, when you're going to be together forever.."

mommy came to me, brother let me go and mommy hugged me tight

"Mom I can't leave without her, I lost her before, mom it hurts.." I cried on her

"shh sweetheart she will come back too, she'll just get a treatment there, she doesn't want to be a burden on you.. that's what she said.."

"Mom, she has never been a burden to me, mom, I love her so much.. I can go with her, why didn't she say goodbye to me *sniff*"

"She doesn't want to say goodbye because she might not want to leave, look at yourself..if she sees you right now, she's probably running to go back know Sam, she always wants the best for the both of you.. she thinks shes broken, she needs to fix her self, she wants to be strong for you.."

this can't be

mom gave me a letter

" read it.."

I stare at the small envelope, the pain I feel is too much, I won't be able to see her for that long? Sam why...?! I hate you

"what country?" I ask mom

"she didn't want to tell us even in you.."



{ dear becca, }

I know you're mad at me right now, but I'm going to do this for us, I'm not selfish to keep you beside me all the time.. I know this is going to be hard cause leaving you will broke my heart into pieces..I'm not leaving you totally, I'll be back soon and when that happens I'm finally good and I finally take care and protect the both of us, I love you babe always remember that..

The Game of Love - Freenbecky/Full English Version Where stories live. Discover now