Chapter One ㅡ We Can Never Be Them.

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A small sigh escapes Seungmin's lips.

His eyes wander across the room, finally stopping on a certain object; a painting. Seungmin traced his eyes down the object, watching how the colours blended together perfectly in shades of blue, all the way down to black.

He let his eyes stick over there for a while. Before tearing away and finally facing the real world in front of him.

Seungmin's lips twitch upwards upon seeing their leader, struggling to set up the camera for the live they were about to go on. He thought of helping, but the youngest member shoot his shot, which was only fair.

The boys positioned themselves on the bed, preparing to meet their beloved fans. Seungmin glanced to his side, gazing at Felix, who sat beside him, fixing his hair.

He leaned back to the headboard, letting his eyes fall closed, resting them for a bit.

Seungmin could hear faint giggles from somewhere across the room, so he fluttered his eyes open, landing them over to where the voice came from.

He saw Hyunjin, Jisung, and Minho laughing heartily about something.

Seungmin felt his chest tighten upon the sight.

He gazed at Minho for a while, almost observing the latter, trying to draw out answers from him just by looking at him from a distance.

Why did he treat him this way?

He thought he almost heard his heart shattering when Minho placed an arm around Jisung's shoulder casually, continuing to chatter about something to the duo.

Seungmin had always envied the closeness Minho and Jisung had. It was like they clicked perfectly.

Like two pretty dolls together, who always had a smile on their face, enjoying each other's company. You could put the two in a single room, and they would need no one in the world.

And Seungmin was like that one doll, which a spoilt kid would once buy, and then throw away, growing tired of it. The difference between them and Seungmin was that Seungmin was a rag doll, while Jisung and Minho were the plastic ones, shiny, attractive, elegant. Something Seungmin could only ever wish of being.

Seungmin pursed his lips, feeling his eyes brim with the salty liquid.

Jisung and Minho were the kind of people who had a kind of relationship the world would envy.

And who was Seungmin to go against the world? He agreed with it.

Each member in the group seemed to have a partner with themselves who clicked perfectly.

Who was he?

"Guys, we're starting soon!"

The eldest of them all spoke. Seungmin hastily wiped the tears off his eyes and fixed his hair, preparing for the live.

All of them positioned themselves better as Chan turned on the live. Seungmin instantly plastered a fake smile, not wanting Stays to worry.

"Hey, everyone!!" They exclaimed out loud, seeing the comments run wild.

"Stay, how have you been?!" Jisung asked, waving his hands a bit.

Seungmin waved his hands, too. But his eyes unconsciously went towards the trio in the corner,

He watched Minho read the comments on his phone, his teeth showing because of the width of his smile. Seungmin wondered, were the comments that great?

He took out his phone too, as the other members continued to have a talk with stays.

Ot8 after 84 years😭😭

Why is 5star SO GOOD😭

Is no one talking about Lee Know's hair




Can I marry super bowl? For scientific purposes.

Seungmin chuckled, stays are weird.

"Thank you for showing love to 5star! It's crazy how much support it has gotten!" Changbin exclaimed, and all of them agreed.

Seungmin nodded to himself. Changbin was right.

It was crazy how big Stray Kids were getting, breaking record after record. Seungmin almost had to slap himself to see if he was just dreaming, but he didn't have to.

Reality slaps harder anyway.

And yet again, his eyes turned towards Minho again.

Reality slaps harder? He questions to himself. Yes, it does.

Seungmin shook his head vigorously and lay on Felix. He shouldn't be feeling this way, he couldn't.

Minho was his fellow bandmate, his hyung, his... friend? Whatever their relationship was, it was wrong for him to feel this way.

"Min, are you alright?" Felix whispered to him, concerned. Seungmin only nodded.

He didn't feel like speaking the entire live, the others filled in his space just well.

"Ahhh, I believe Stays deserve equal credit. Five million pre-orders? It was something we couldn't have imagined. "

He heard Minho speak.

Seungmin again turned his head towards the trio in the corner, and while Hyunjin was busy talking about something to the squirrel-like boy beside him, Minho seemed to be glued to his phone.

Seungmin let his eyes sit on the older for a while, feeling his heart bang against his chest hard. Unknowingly, a small smile plastered over his face, and he felt the butterflies explode in his insides.

He shifted his gaze from Minho's face to his hands.

Watching how they gripped Jisung's gently. Seungmin imagined himself in Jisung's place, sitting beside Minho, interlocked hands, and heads laying on top of each other.

The image made him feel giddy. Seungmin's cheeks were flustered pink due to the imagination.

He was honestly disgusted by himself. How could he think that way? Minho was his bandmate. There was no way Seungmin and Minho could ever be...

Jisung and Minho.

Seungmin forms his lips in a small pout. He slowly lifts his head up,

And their eyes meet.

All he wished for was the older to grin in his directionㅡnot a cocky one, the one which showed friendliness. He couldn't afford to hope for more anyway.

Minho was way beyond his reach. It was as if the latter had created a wall around himㅡonly for Seungmin. But Seungmin was thankful for the occasional banter they exchanged. It was the only way he could say that they were somehow compatible.

Minho stared at the younger for a while, and Seungmin could already feel his insides having utter chaos.

He gripped the hem of Felix's shirt tight, letting the sweat of his palms absorb into the fabric.

Then, Minho rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to his phone.

Seungmin's eyes brimmed with tears once more. He quickly blinked them away and buried his face in Felix's neck.

There was no way they could be Jisung and Minho.

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