First day J&C

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A few weeks went by same old things stayed the same and eventually my sister moved out leaving me with just my mother. She closed the door behind Mary and turned around to look at me I was sitting on the bottom of the stair case tears rolling down my cheeks. Mary had hugged me and told me to be strong before she left she had also given me her locket with a picture of dad and her inside it. It hung just below my collar bones. "Stop your sobbing and go up and get dressed you've got a job interview today" my mom told me.

I knew that something like this was coming soon I was 15 old enough to work now and my mother needed money so of course she was going to make me her new bank. "And wear something nice I don't need people thinking your homeless" she barked at me. I got up and wiped the tears off my face and headed up the stairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and looked over at the small wardrobe that was by my window.

I walked over to it and opened it trying to look for something 'nice' to wear. All my clothes had been hammy downs and they  had stains and holes in almost everything but I managed to find a knee length blue dress. I put it on and took a good look at myself in the mirror that was inside my closet on the door. It was a bit lose on the arms and waist since it was a hammy down from my oldest sister Jane. She was quite a bit bigger then me, as I looked at my self I hated what I saw ,the way my arms looked scrawny and my bones showed on my chest I had a small chest and tried to make up for it with padded bras but it didn't help much.

"Lucy hurry up" I heard my mom call, I fell to the ground and quickly put on some socks that had holes on the heel and then a pair of flats to finish my 'nice' look I thought I looked idiotic because I usually wore jumpers and jeans to hide my body but now everything was out. I put a belt around my waist to try and hide the fact that the dress was to big and flatten my hair down with my hands then ran down the stairs. The necklace I was wearing jingled as I hopped down. My mother waved me outside to the car we had, it was small but got the job done.

When we got there, there was a man waiting for us at the door his name was Jacob he helped us inside and had me and mother sit down in two chairs in front of his desk. It was scattered with papers and he had pictures of cats and cuts of magazines all over the walls. I didn't see any pictures of family or friends anywhere so I assumed that he was a lonely bitter old man. And my assumption proved true I could see the dark bags under his eyes and his hair was frail,he was balding and had a bit of a beer belly. He wore a button up shirt with a hoodless jumper and khakis.

I sat down In his old crusty chair and he started to ask questions. "So how old is this girl" he said "just turned 15" my mother said looking down at his paper. "And name" he said looking me up and down "Lucy Carlyle" I said looking straight at him. "You do realize that she will be put in life and death situations and is responsible for taking care for herself" he said making my stomach jump. "Yes" my mother said like she couldn't care less.

After a few more questions they gave me the job. What I would be doing is fighting off ghosts and containing sources. That was it and I was good at listening one of the best if I do say so myself. My mother of course would be receiving my money leaving me with not even a penny. But the good news is that I would be working with my closest friend Nori, I couldn't wait to get to spend every day with her.

When we got home I went up to get out of my ridiculous clothes and take a shower. I hoped right in and out got changed into pj bottoms and a long sleeve t shirt it was getting quite cold out. Then I went down and started on dinner tonight was my night to cook I made salad and pasta since my mom loved it so much. Even though she didn't care what ever effort I put in to try and bond with her she would just sap the love right out of it. "This pasta is to dry and the sauce isn't right" god it was like I was talking to a four year old.

After dinner my mother said that she would do the dishes since I need to get sleep since I started my new job the next day. So I did I went up and read until I fell asleep. When I woke up it was to my mom shaking me violently. "Hurry up you need to get ready" I looked over at the clock beside me and it was 5:30 am. I groaned and threw the sheets over my head. Bad idea because my mother yanked them off me and grabbed me by the arm to pull me up and on my feet. "Sorry mom I'll get ready" I said staring at the floor as to not upset her more.

I then went to the bathroom rinsed my face with some water and brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant and got dressed. I was wearing the company shirt Jacob and co with a long sleeve shirt underneath and a black skirt, a pair of leggings and some boots. We were gone ,my mother dropped me off and then left and I was left standing at the front door of Jacob and co.

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