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6 Months.... All the male had was 6 months and he has to make a good use of it! There's no better chance than this. Jungkook's absence is the best thing he could ask for, so there's no way in hell Hyungsik will let this opportunity go away!

Time to start the real plan!

Getting a grip on his emotions, Hyungsik accepted the offer! 

"Yes, I'll take care of Taehyung."

and that's how the elder is here, standing at the ground of Tae's school while patiently waiting for the younger to appear. Hyungsik checked the time and sighed. 

The boy will be here within 10 Mins! 

Not gonna lie but Hyungsik was a bit tensed! He's going to meet Taehyung after years! The last time he met the boy was one of the worst days of Hyungsik's life. 

and now that they'll meet, Taehyung won't even recognize him well good for Hyungsik because he doesn't want to be recognized!

This little reunion can destroy everything so it's better if his identity is hidden!

moreover, he knows nothing about Taehyung and can't trust the younger at all

well not until Taehyung will be on his side totally.

but will this happen? will Taehyung ever understand him and his pain?

will Taehyung hate Jungkook for his deeds?

Hyungsik isn't sure but he believes that Taehyung will!

why would Taehyung want to live with a psychotic family who are the cause of his misery? 

Hyungsik was in deep thought when he heard the school bell ringing, indicating that the school was over. 

Standing straightly, he putted the shades back on his eyes and formed a poker face. In no time he found Taehyung walking in-between the crowd. Taehyung looked here and there being quite surprised by not finding any guard present there. 

What should he do? Should he go home by himself? Or should he call Jungkook and inform about this? 

Well he can't go alone, Jungkook won't be happy at all!

He stopped at a corner and took out his phone. He was about to call Jungkook when a voice called his name!

Hyungsik: Young master

Taehyung looked up and found an unfamiliar man standing infront of him. The male was tall and handsome, his body was quite bulky while his face had a boyish feature. 

He was dressed in Formal suit which was odd!

Tae: who are you?

Hyungsik: I'm your personal bodyguard.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows at this! 

personal bodyguard? but Jungkook didn't informed him about this!

Tae: who appointed you?

Hyungsik: Sir Jungkook did!

Tae: and where are the other guards?

Hyungsik: they aren't needed anymore! I'll assist you everywhere from now on! 

Tae who still wasn't satisfied, bombarded another question

Tae: where's your uniform? 

Hyungsik: I haven't assigned one!

Tae: why? are you any special?

Hyungsik: no but you are!

Tae: what?

Hyungsik nodded and spoke

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