Chapter 12

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The days melded together, weaving a tangled tapestry of events that Starspeckle couldn't fathom comprehending. Yet, the young warrior didn't mind. In the realm of their feline existence, such intricate webs were commonplace, a part of their interconnected lives.

Meanwhile, Starspeckle observed the growing comfort between his mother, Flystar, and Graystripe. It pleased him greatly, for he couldn't bear the thought of his grandmother and mother at odds. Such a discord would only unsettle the entire Clan, causing ripples of unease to spread throughout their ranks.

In the present moment, Starspeckle found himself in the midst of training with Graystripe, his esteemed mentor. As the deputy of the Clan, Graystripe proved to be an excellent guide, never pushing Starspeckle beyond his limits. Yet, he challenged the young warrior enough to help him discover the boundaries of his own abilities.

"Good," the grey cat praised as Starspeckle gracefully evaded a swipe aimed at his head. With swift movements, the smaller cat managed to tackle Graystripe to the ground, and a chuckle escaped the warrior's lips as his back met the damp grass. "Good," he repeated, then Starspeckle leaped off Graystripe and nudged him back up. "Sorry, Graystripe," he apologized, but the grey cat simply shook his head and nudged the young star-speckled feline.

"It's okay, boy. Come on, we better make our way back to camp. Firestar will have my fur if I don't bring you back in time for feeding," Graystripe joked, and Starspeckle smiled, walking side by side with his mentor as the birds chirped from their nests high above.

"Graystripe," Starspeckle began, and Graystripe hummed in response. "Do you know anything about Flystar?" The grey cat suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Starspeckle to look up at him in confusion. "What?" he asked, seeking clarification. Graystripe shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. It's just that I don't personally know her, but I am aware of her existence," he explained. Starspeckle furrowed his brow; it made no sense to him. If Graystripe knew his grandmother, then how could he claim not to know her?

No, the situation was too convoluted and tangled for Starspeckle to understand at that moment, especially with the setting sun casting long shadows. "Okay, I was just wondering. You seemed quite apprehensive about her when I saw you yesterday," he said, trying to make sense of the situation.

Graystripe scoffed, his paws firmly planted on the ground, and resumed walking. "I wasn't scared of her or for her. I was simply worried about your mother. After all, she is our leader, you know," he explained, his tone carrying a hint of concern.

Starspeckle hummed contentedly as he approached the fresh-kill pile, nosing it to inspect the assortment before selecting a vole that stood out with its limp tail. Graystripe followed suit, picking his own piece of prey, and the two cats settled by a gnarly tree root to enjoy their meal together.

They sat in companionable silence, savoring the taste of their food, when Cinderpelt hobbled over to them, a smile adorning her face. "I have news," she announced, flicking her tail towards the medicine den. "I'm going to become a medicine cat." Both male cats smiled warmly at her, and Starspeckle gently touched her shoulder with his tail. "That's wonderful, Cinderpelt. I'm truly happy for you!" he beamed.

The apprentice's smile widened before she left the two to finish their meal in peace. Soon, they were done eating and started grooming each other, enjoying the simple pleasure of shared moments. However, Starspeckle couldn't shake off an eerie, creepy feeling that traced along his spine. He knew that his mother's worst enemy, Tigerstar, was not finished with them. Although they hadn't heard from him, dead rats and squirrels had been found near their camp, and strange creatures had been killing cats in their territory.

A wave of unease washed over him, but Starspeckle understood that voicing his fears would only add to his parents' worries. They already had enough to deal with, as leaf-fall approached unusually early, with leaf-bare lurking close behind. This was the last day of new-leaf anyway, and he resolved to savor it for as long as he could. After all, who knew when it would all come to an end?

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