Ties of Destiny - Selene's Encounter with the Future Alpha Quadruplets

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As the Moore family approached the Luna of the Full Moon Pack, Selene's gaze was immediately drawn to a woman of striking beauty. With cascading curls framing her face and bright blue eyes that exuded warmth and wisdom, she emanated an aura of maternal grace.

"This is my gorgeous wife, Helena," Asher introduced his Luna, a touch of pride evident in his voice. "She is the Luna of the Full Moon Pack."

Selene's eyes widened, captivated by Helena's presence. With a smile, Selene offered a respectful bow. "I'm honored to meet you, Luna Helena."

Helena's smile mirrored Selene's warmth as she reached out to gently touch the young girl's shoulder. "The honor is mine, Selene," she replied, her voice carrying a soothing melodic tone. "I'm glad I'm finally meeting you. Your brother always spoke so fondly of you."

Selene beamed, feeling an instant connection with Helena. The Luna's kind words reassured her and deepened her sense of belonging in this unfamiliar setting.

Asher's attention turned to his wife. "Where are our sons?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

"They should be around here somewhere," Helena replied, her gaze scanning the bustling hall. "I'll go look for them."

As Helena set off to find her boys, Asher let out a weary sigh, his broad shoulders visibly relaxing. The weight of his parental responsibilities was evident in his expression.

"Dealing with four at once isn't easy," Asher confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and affection. "They have such different personalities. Connor and Oscar show no interest in training whatsoever. Hudson is always getting into trouble. At least Ronan acts like a proper future Alpha."

Eric nodded in understanding, empathy etched in his features. "They're still young, my friend," he reassured Asher. "I'm sure they'll all find their own paths and become amazing Alphas in their own right."

"Maybe," Asher sighed again, his concern for his sons lingering in his gaze.

Selene, meanwhile, couldn't contain her excitement as her eyes landed on a sumptuous buffet filled with an array of delectable sweets and treats. She turned to her father, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Daddy, can I go eat at the buffet over there?" she asked, her voice filled with a hint of innocent pleading.

Eric chuckled, his love for his little girl evident. "Sure, sweetheart," he replied, his voice warm and indulgent. "Go ahead, but take Matthew with you. He'll make sure no old geezers bother you."

Matthew straightened his posture, a protective air enveloping him. "Of course, Father," he declared, his voice taking on a tone of unwavering commitment. "I'll keep the old geezers at bay."

Selene grinned mischievously, her excitement reaching its peak as she tightly clasped her brother's hand. With Matthew by her side, she ventured toward the alluring buffet, their footsteps harmonizing with the symphony of laughter and chatter resonating through the grand hall.

As they drew closer to the expansive table adorned with an array of delectable treats, Selene's eyes grew wider in awe. A vibrant assortment of cakes, cookies, and confections filled her vision, each one more enticing than the last. The desserts boasted a riot of colors, inviting her to indulge in their sweet delights. Unable to resist the temptation, Selene wasted no time in grabbing a plate and loading it with an assortment of mouthwatering goodies.

Matthew chuckled, his voice filled with amusement as he watched his little sister enthusiastically sample one treat after another. "Don't snack too much, Selene," he teased, a hint of playfulness in his tone.

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