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look i'm really sorry for what i said, i had no right to talk to you like that about something very sensitive to you and i admit i let my emotions get the best of me and i really do feel terrible for what i said and i hope that you could possibly forgive me cause i really didn't mean to say something about your drinking habits when i know that it's something you can't control.

please forgive me💗

i forgive you
i believe you when u said u didn't mean to say it

i really wanna show how sorry i am
are u free today?

yeah why?

i wanna take you to a cafe or something

sure! i love cafe's !!!

great i'll meet at 4:30? at **********

sure see you later!!!


Hyunjin has always been a outgoing person, always down to do stuff not caring much when making plans and certainly not getting nervous before meeting up with someone. So when hyunjin arrived to the cafe all sweaty and nervous he certainly was surprised. He arrived early not really knowing the reason why. It couldn't have been to impress felix because why would he need to impress some friend cause that would be weird, right?

He had about 10 minutes before felix should arrive, if felix were to arrive at the time the older had
suggested. So he decided to take in the cafes appearance, he'd been here before once and the coffee was amazing so when he suggested to hang out with felix at a cafe his first thought was this one.
The walls are a light beige color with fake vines hanging on them. The tables had a rustic look to them. The overall vibe of the cafe was calm and that's what hyunjin really liked about the place.
When he walked in he took it upon himself to sit near a corner with a window. Hyunjin loved to look
at scenery and this window just so happens to show the busy street of seoul. Hyunjin didn't mind it because the passersby's weren't very noisy and more or so entertaining to observe and hyunjin loves to observe, even the smallest things.


Felix found the cafe in no time even getting there a bit earlier than planned. So why hadn't he walked in? The answer being that he caught sight of the man who invited him here. The older was wearing a loose black button down which in other cases would be very formal but the older had managed to dress it down in a way that made felix's breath hitch.

Hyunjin had tied his hair into a half up half down pony tail situation that accentuated his facial features. Felix would be damn near blind and stupid to ignore that the older was truly beautiful. So when he saw the older he doubted his own outfit seeing how hyunjin and him dressed completely opposite.
It wasn't really felix's fault for wearing a purple cardigan with a white undershirt and jeans that would of looked normal if it weren't for the fact that hyunjin was in complete black. Dismissing the thought he took a deep breath and opened the cafe door.

----------------- •

i'm sorry this is very short but i felt bad for not uploading a chapter soon ;-; i've just recently been going through a writers block and i have no ideas on what to write since this is my first book. There probably won't be another chapter untill maybeee next week if i have an idea. Or you might never hear from me again because i think i'm going through something rn but i have no clue what it is cause i've never felt like this before

anyways the outfit hyunjin is wearing is at the top of the chapter and the outfit felix is wearing is from the skz-code ep 33 . i think the sweater he's wearing is purple though it might be blue!!

have a great night or day!! muah 💗

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