My name is egglix. I spawned into the world and was inthroiduce to this npc calLed saMAantha 😍😍😍 i felt chase atlantic and was like iM iNto iT thEn she lOoked at me aNd was so fLabbergasted sHe reJected me kNowing i wAs abOve her 😱😱😱. I wAS vEry anGry GRRRRRRRRRR 👹👹so I tUrned inTo a fUrrie uwu and i started GROWLING IN ANGER AND CALLED THE REST OF MY PACK.... then i messaged her but ouchie she DIDNT REPLY sniffles 🥶🥶 thEN I GOT mURDEREED bY mY EGOO TEH BETRAYEDR 👺👺👺then I died when i looked in the mirror by my gorgous soelf 🤤🤤🤤