Chapter 1 My Life

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I walked in to the compartment on the Hogwarts express. I remember this was were we met. Me, Peter, James and Sirius. Ugh, Sirius. How could he basically kill 2 of his best friends! Now he wants to kill Harry! Though that is the excuse I gave to the other teachers when I said I preferred to ride on the train to Hogwarts. Of course I knew Dumbledore saw right through me. He knew I wanted to be on this train. I looked at the open compartment. I could see James playing with a snitch by the window with Peter watching him in awe while he shoved chocolate frogs in to his mouth. Then I hear:
     "Geez, Peter! Why are you killing all of those frogs."
     I look at who said it and see a very handsome man with flowing black hair and a grin on his face as Peter stopped mid-chew with a look of horror on his face. It was a very different version of Sirius Black than what I had seen in the wanted posters.
     "Wait! Th-th-these are real?" He stuttered.
     At this we all broke out laughing and Peter looked very confused.
     "Why are you laughing!"
     Then about 5 seconds later he caught on. You would have never thought Peter would be so brave as to stand up to Sirius that night. I felt my tears building up in my eyes. I rubbed them. I thought we would all be together forever. I opened my eyes to see the empty compartment again. I walk over to the corner by the window that was always across from James and sat down where I would always sit. I pulled my cloak over my eyes and went to sleep thinking about them.

I heard laughter in the compartment. I opened my eyes and moved my cloak quietly. I looked straight at a face. The student had messy hair and was wearing glasses. The last thing I noticed was the lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

"Remus!" my mother called out to me.
"There is a letter here for you!"
I bolt down the stairs. Has it finally come? My invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I ran as fast as I could down the creaky old wooden floors. My father was at the table reading the Daily Prophet, with not a care in the world about his son's life. Then I spot my mother. Her dark brown hair flowing freely down to her shoulders, but the look on her face said it all! She was smiling ear to ear. In her hand was a white envelope and on her shoulder was a snow white owl. The owl seemed to realize the happiness in the room right now and I could swear there was a smile plastered to it's face. My mother hands me the letter. I stare at it for a second, not wanting the moment to end. I could stand their forever staring at the Hogwarts symbol placed on the front of the envelope. I looked up once before opening it. My mother even though she was a muggle understood how much this meant to me. She nodded encouragingly for me to open it. I carefully slid my finger under a small gap in the fold then ripped it open with all of my might. The paper tore in to two pieces then I peeled them both off. I stood gaping at the letter. I don't know why I was so surprised that I received a letter.
     I skimmed through my letter not even caring what it said. I knew what it was. It was my invitation to Hogwarts! I figured I would be in the Ravenclaw house. My father always said I was very smart for my age. I didn't think I was to brave, so I didn't really think much about the possibility of me being in Gryffindor. I had also considered myself hardworking and loyal so maybe I'd be in Hufflepuff. My mother was making pancakes for breakfast in celebration of me receiving the letter. My father who was a writer for the Daily Prophet was making remarks about someone named Fenir Greyback. After breakfast I spent all day bugging my father to take me to Diagon Ally. I had never been there but I had heard people talk about it and it sounded spectacular! Finally after about an hour of asking my father budged and said we would go the next day.


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