Before we begin

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Here's some facts about alien Lumina :3

- There's only two things different about her physical appearance, one of them is that she has yellow antennae, they're actually really soft to touch but are extremely fragile and it's quite easy for her to injure them.

- She has little fangs :3

- Her age in this AU is 15

- Like in canon she loves sweet food

- She has a habit of saying "boop" at the most random times.

- Like in canon she's extremely smart and can write long ass answers for pretty much everything in one second

- She enjoys teleporting out of nowhere whenever she's bored

- She is able to read people's minds but only uses it if needed

- She's mostly found making this face :3

- She gets extremely excited whenever she's allowed to try new food

- She sometimes starts random floating for no reason

- For her alien type, she is related to electric. However there's ones for fire, water, air etc
(Her being electric based is due to her being an AI in canon, however that doesn't mean she's not scared of thunder)

- Whenever she's extremely excited she tends to end up giving herself an electric shock by accident, fortunately it doesn't harm her in anyway but it does catch her off guard.

- She had never heard of a hug before

- Her antennae are actually very powerful and can calm people down if someone's aura is negative, she is able to see or sense them if needed and they can come in many different colours however if they're red that's when it's concerning (For example Michiru's aura is pink)

- She can summon random objects but there's a limit to how much she can summon per day (that being twenty)  She cannot summon something she hasn't touched before however

- Kinda like in canon her eyes can become star eyes (like the image), heart eyes, broken heart eyes etc

- She can change her hair length to whatever length she wants it at but usually leaves it as long as it is in her unit outfit :p

- Her antennae are really good indicators to show how she's feeling, if they're drooping it might mean she's tired/sad/bored if they're slightly perked up it might mean she's curious/content however if they're slightly shaking or completely it might mean she's irritated.

- Since she's an electric based alien, her main powers relate to electricity but she does have ones that aren't element based such as telekinesis for example

The moment I was blessed by an alien [D4DJ AU]Where stories live. Discover now