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     Morgan and I spent a couple hours researching before we went home for the night and planned to come together in the start of our shift tomorrow morning. I knew it would be hard finding girls to use as a suspect because he was always surrounded by new girls ever since high school. He was the typical high school popular boy, captain of the football team, always dating a cheerleader, loved by everyone, and no plans on moving away from his home town. Everything he did was overlooked because there was no way he could do anything wrong in the eyes of the town. This town basically kissed the ground he walked on. That included the girls he was with. Those girls were never believed about anything he did wrong while he was in a relationship, and let me tell you did he do some messed up things to those girls. However, those girls would hardly be good suspects because they were all the popular girly girls, that would freak out if their nails go messed up, they could hardly be crazy enough to kill someone. No that I'm the crazy kind, I just knew what he deserved.

I walked into the police station and went right to the conference room where Morgan and I had briefed with the chief yesterday to receive the case. I laid out all my notes on the table and took a seat while I waited for Morgan to show up. I told the front desk that when he clocked in to tell him I requested his presence in this room and I only clocked in 5 minutes early. I look down at my watch, 7:00 A.M, clock in time.

     I stand up and walk over to the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water and a muffin from on top of the fridge and make my way back to my seat as Morgan comes into the room. He is carrying a briefcase, coffee, and a muffin in his hand as he comes in and sit in the chair across from me. I lean back in my chair and start to eat my muffin, "looks like we had the same idea for breakfast."

     Morgan looks over at me while putting all this belongings on the table, "I guess so, It's all I could find while leaving my house this morning," he states while opening his briefcase and laying papers on the table, which I am assuming are his notes on this case. Those in fact should not have any records of me because when I was doing my own research my own name never came up besides some stuff about our graduating class. Considering you rarely see anyone hold a grudge since high school I doubt Morgan would have looked that far back because there was not anything connecting him back to his past that would raise concern.

     I use his words to try to get I tell about how his research went, "why were you rushed this morning, had a hard time researching and finding suspects?"  He's done laying his papers out and sits down in his seat with coffee in one hand and the muffin in the other.

     "Does it look like I had a hard time? Look at all these papers. Man has a decent amount of people who were not happy with the kind of person he was." Morgan states with a matter of fact attitude.

     "While that is true, did you look at what kind of people those girls are? They would never be able to handle killing someone. They're to girly for that," I shoot back at him.  I did my research too, plus I have known this girls longer then he has.

     "You only think that because you went to high school with them too," what did he say. I try to control my face but the grip on my muffin gets tighter. "You didn't think I would do my full research on him. I am a detective in case you have forgot." 

     "What do you mean I went to high school with him," I act stupid. "I do not recognize him."

      "How could you not recognize the football caption," Morgan sits up forward in his chair and puts his muffin and coffee down and folds his hands together.

     "I don't know maybe because its been 20 years since I have even thought about high school," I sit up straight in my chair, "you tend to forget people after not seeing or hearing about them in so long."

     "Fair point." he sounds closed off and distant, "what does your suspect list look like."

     "Mainly just recent ex's and girls that keep reappearing in his life." I say while standing up and grabbing my list  of names. "Can I check it against yours to see who we have the same of?"

      Morgan stands up and grabs his list in his hand and walks around his chair and meets me in the middle of the two chairs. I scan between the two papers and see that we have every name the same on the list. We must be some good detectives then. He takes his paper back to his area, grabs a pen off the table and writes something else on the bottom of the paper. A new name maybe? Or a note to himself? "Well we should start talking to some of these people to see what they are up to, so we can roll out just an ex or find out which are the crazy kind."

"Yes that is correct. Some seem like they are not to much of a concern and are just bad at letting go," I say to his back since he hasn't turn back to me yet. "I'll take the girlfriends, you take the girls he just screwed over these past couple of years."

"Okay. We'll meet back here at 2," Morgan states as he collects all of his papers and puts them back inside his briefcase, puts his coffee in one hand and his untouched muffin in the other one. He never once looks back at me, not even as he walks out the door and closes it behind him. I sit back in the chair and start to eat my muffin. I've noticed when I would see him around the shop that Morgan is usually a closed off person, but I figured that would change if you had to work with him considering you need to work together to solve a case. That is kind of hard to do when you can not tell a person what you are thinking and letting them into your mind, but he clearly does not see it like that. He's more of a when you need to know, he'll tell you kind of person. Unlike me, I'm definitely a lets bounce ideas off each other until we come up with something, which is why I think it is so hard to work between us. It's better that way because the less time he spends with me, the less time he has to grow suspicious about my actions.

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