3「C H E A T E R」 0

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point of view

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐔𝐏 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐅 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄, Jacob was completely shocked by her trying to slip her hand into his own, he hadn't expected her to do that kind of thing.

"No." Jacob answered quickly without any hesitance before he even took a step back from the girl leaving the two of them in silence.

"What's going on guys?" Catherine asked after seeing the weird tension brewing between the two, the girl had not heard what they were saying as she slid out her slipper.

For a supernatural being, Catherine was a bit more only clumsy side, she didn't know if it was a bunny trait or a personality trait but it was damn sure an inconvenience.

"Nothing." Jacob quickly said before Bella could even dare to speak to Catherine, as he quickly threw his arm back around his girl's shoulders.

Leaving the group of three in slightly comfortable silence for a few moments, nobody speaking just standing there waiting for Mike to finish what they guessed was puking.

"I hope Mike's okay." Catherine said softly and filled with concern as she wrapped her arm around Jake's torso, while she continuously glanced at the bathroom Mike ran into.

"Why are you worrying about him so much?" Jake asked with a scoff as he pulled his girl closer to himself, his jealous side still at the show as he glared towards the bathroom door.

Jacob, himself had no clue as to why he was so upset and angry tonight, usually what they'd done earlier would have been enough to subside his anger and horniness.

But for some reason that wasn't the solution tonight.

"Jake, stop it," Catherine whined lightly and partially jokingly as she felt the boy just about squish her against his chest, causing her to gently push at his chest. "he's sick."

Jokingly rolling his eyes down at Catherine, Jacob went to speak but was a bit too slow as Bella let out a scoff instead, gaining both of their attention.

"What?" Catherine asked confused with raising eyebrows as she turned towards her older cousin, who only rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

Glaring down at Bella, Jacob nearly snarled at her rolling her eyes at his girl, before he followed Catherine as she sat down on the stairs beside Bella.

"What's wrong, Cous?" Catherine asked worried as she sat down in the middle of her and Jacob, the girl was confused about why he cousin was acting so nasty all of a sudden.

Although Bella this time didn't get a chance to speak as an embarrassed Mike slowly walked back up to the three of them, gaining everyone's attention quickly.

"I need to go home." Mike stated simply and lowly with paled cheeks, although his words only gained a scoffed laugh from Jacob.

And hearing that scoff, Mike's eyes quickly landed on Jacob with a confused and agitated look on his face, he'd long since sensed the hostility coming from Jacob.

"What," Mike asked as he grew even more agitated with Jacob, who only looked up at him with a disgusted and taunting look on his face. "I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?"

Despite his words, Jacob just maintained eye contact before he rolled his eyes and let out another scoff at the paled and sick human boy.

"What is your problem?" Mike asked again starting to get a bit louder, getting tired of being disrespected by Jacob's attitude and acts towards him.

And seeing the tension between the two starting to grow even higher, Catherine didn't want the two of them to start fighting in the middle of the movie theaters.

"Jake, stop it." Catherine told the boy as she gripped his upper arm, making sure to keep him sitting rather than getting up and attacking the poor boy.

Hearing her words, Jacob slowly sat back with clenched teeth, leaving the four of them in silence before Mike's eyes landed on Catherine who was looking around saddened by the atmosphere.

"Hey-uhm, I'm sorry we didn't get much time to get to know each other." Mike said lowly and hesitant as he looked down at the young bunny girl, who looked around in shock before realizing he was talking to her.

"Me too?" Catherine asked rather than saying as she looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows, she was one for emotional moments, but she didn't understand why this one was happening.

"I was hoping we could do this again," Mike suggested softly whilst rubbing the back of his neck, his words confusing Catherine and angering Jacob more. "by ourselves next time?"

Almost immediately Jacob stood up from his seat on the stairs, quickly advancing towards Mike with a dark and angry glare on his face.

"Yo, what fuck's your problem," Jacob sneered angrily as he walked up to the guy, his sudden movement causing Catherine and Bella to get up as well. "you wanna end up in the hospital?"

"Woah, wait, Jake, calm down." Catherine quickly said as she rushed in front of the boy, placing her hands on his chest to stop him from fighting Mike.

"Dude, what the fuck's your damage?!" Mike asked loudly, nearly yelling as he grew angry and confused, thankfully everyone was still in the theaters.

"You," Jacob said trying to step closer to Mike as he pointed at him, although Catherine was still pushing him back, whilst Bella stood awkwardly in the corner. "you're hitting on my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend," Mike asked disappointed with wide eyes, before he almost immediately turned towards Bella with a harsh glare on his face. "the fuck Bella, you said she was single, that this was a double date?"

Hearing Mike's words, Catherine and Jacob both turned towards the girl with shocked expressions on their faces, both of them folding their arms as they looked at her.

"Bella, what the fuck is he talking about?"  Jacob asked through gritted teeth trying not to get even louder in the movie theaters, but everything was completely pissing him off.

"Yeah, Bella," Mike suggested loudly from behind the couple, whilst he placed his hands in his pants pockets angrily. "tell them what you told me."

Instead of answering, Bella got quiet just crossing her arms as she sort of folded in on herself leaving the four of them in silence once again.

"Why would you tell him this is a double date with me," Catherine asked again as she pointed at herself, obvious anger and sadness on her face. "you know I'm not single, the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Oh come on, Catherine quick playing yourself." Bella scoffed rolling her eyes at her smaller cousin, an amused smirk on her face as if she wasn't in the wrong currently.

"What?" Catherine asked confused and partially hurt by her cousin's attitude towards her, causing her words to come out low and soft.

"Jacob, I didn't want you to find out like this," Bella spoke to Jacob, completely ignoring her cousin as she walked towards him trying to put her hands on his face. "but I can't keep secrets from you, you know that."

"Stop it, Bella," Jacob said immediately as he grabbed a hold of her hands, quick to flick them away whilst he glared at her. "I told you I don't want you, I'm with Catherine."

"The fuck," Catherine asked low and calmly as she looked at her cousin as if she was insane, she hadn't expected Bella to act this way. "you're trying to steal my boyfriend?"

"Oh Catherine, give it up," Bella exclaimed loudly as she glared over at Catherine, the girl acting that this wasn't all her fault.  "stop acting as if you like him!"

"This whole thing is pissing me off." Jacob said from the sideline as he ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm down as best he could as his shoulders began to shake furiously.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Catherine asked as she grew more hysterical with her cousin, nearly tearing her hair out as she forced herself to not yell at the girl.

"Jake, she's cheating on you!" Bella suddenly shouted over Catherine's voice, causing everyone to stop everything as the corridor was engulfed in silence.

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