Ch. 9 "Again, the Drama"

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February 28, 2023

Jared opened the front door to his house. He knelt on the floor, untying his shoes. One of his dogs, Koda, ran into the mudroom and lay by him. Jared smiled and patted his dog on his head. Over his dog's panting, he heard two people talking. One voice was louder than the other. Sam and Dean must be fighting again.

Jared sighed and took his sweat soaked shirt off and walked into the living room. He learned not to interfere in Sam and Dean's arguments. He walked past Sam and Dean, hoping that they wouldn't notice him. He just made it to the kitchen doorway when Sam called his name. Jared heavily sighed and spun on his foot to face the Winchesters.

"Can you please tell Dean why we can't go outside?"

Jared raised his brows, "Like, out on the streets or -"

"Yeah, out on the streets. I keep telling him we can't, but he wants to."

Dean glared at his brother.

"I mean, you can." Dean's expression lightened. "I'd rather you not, though. I know you two can't sit still, but it is kind of dangerous out there for you two."

"What's out there, hmm?" Dean retorted. "Monsters?"

"No, people. Once they see you, they will want to put you in a museum. Or worse, kidnap you and do some questionable things to you. That goes for the both of you." Jared crossed his arms and leaned on the doorway.

"So?" Dean snapped.

"Do you not remember Becky?" Jared sighed.

Dean remained quiet, looking over at his brother and back to Jared. He shook his head, "I just can't stay cooped up, man."

Sam put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Yeah, neither can I. But, hey, at least we get a break from our lives, y'know?"

Dean shrugged.

"And I can take you guys out for a drive again. Or, if you want to be alone and not be in this house, you can go out into the woods out back. My Sam has a little hut out there somewhere."

"Wait, you bought Sam a hut?" Dean questioned.

Jared chuckled and shook his head. "No, no. They built it. It's pretty nice. It is kinda scary, but that's Sam for you."

Dean smiled a bit.

February 28

Sam awoke in their own room. They turned onto their other side and cuddled into a blanket. Cordell knocked on the door and told them breakfast was ready. They sighed, not wanting to get up. Reluctantly, they got up. Before heading out the door, they put on Jared's black sweatshirt.

They strolled down the hall and found the kitchen in the large ranch house. Almost everyone was already sat down, except for Bonham and Abeline.

Sam covered a yawn with their hand, "Need help with anything, Abby?"

"Oh, yes. Can you -"

"Oh, Mawline. I can do it." Stella cut her grandmother off. "Sam, you can go sit." There was something in her voice, anger? Slyness?

Sam smiled, ignoring the surge of anger in their blood. "Oh, why thank you, Stella."

Sam sat down at an empty chair between August and Liam. Cordell was sitting across from them. He was kind of ignoring the things going on around him. Sam doesn't think that he didn't have a talk with Stella yet. Sam sighed a bit and began to chew on their nails. They would just have to try their best to avoid Stella until that happens. Or try to talk to her themself.

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