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- Alex Hayes -

"What the fuck do we do?" I storm into Dylans office, not bother knocking. He is sitting behind his desk, his head in his hands shaking his head. 

"I don't fucking know, Alex. I have been sitting at this fucking desk since 6 in the morning, Yesterday! I tried tracking him with his chip but it says it's at his fucking house, he wouldn't have cut it out himself. And he 100% wouldn't have cut out Rivers." I sit down in one of the chairs opposite him. 

"I have looked at every single one of the cameras from the house, non of them caught anything and there isn't any times skips. They were very fucking smart about this - whoever 'they' are. I looked at the cameras from the woods, from the entrance. Fuck, I have looked at everything Alex, I don't know what to do." I sigh, I have known Reid for forever, he has been my man for Years, and I have never let him down once. 

But me letting him and his fucking wife get kidnapped, I don't know how I can come back from this. I will most likely kill myself before he can kill me. I feel so fucking bad, for not only putting him in danger, but River as well. I have only met River a few times, but as soon as she got the last name Xander, I had to protect her just as much as I do Reid. 

"Zoe called me last night, in the middle of a mental breakdown. She is going crazy knowing that Reid is gone." I say. Zoe raised me as one of her own, hearing her crying like that, I never want to hear those sounds again. 

"Who would want to take Reid? I mean, his father has more enemies than he does, and I feel like none of them would take Reid as punishment or some shit." Dylan says, and it gets me thinking.

"Maybe they didn't want Reid, maybe they wanted River. And Reid just happened to be there so they took them both. I mean who do we know that hates River?" Dylan shakes his head at my question.

"We don't know anybody because we have only spoken like 10 words to her. I'm going to do a background check on her now." I nod my head and get out of my seat, walking toward the door. I look back before I exit and say one more thing. 

"Dylan, we need to find them. I can't stand the thought that we let something happen to them." He nods his head and I leave. I rush to the elevator and wait for it to come up. As soon as the doors open I rush in and press the closing door Button. 

"Please hold the door!" I hear a woman's voice say. I put my hand in the door to stop it from closing. A beautiful lady with blonde hair and green eyes appears, she gives me a smile. "Thank you." I nod in response. I look at her as she gets into the elevator, I swear I know her, or at least seen her before 

We are on the 50th floor so I am not exited for the awkward silence on the way down. She doesn't press a button, I assume it is because we are both going to the ground floor. 

The elevator starts moving, going down the stories one by one, when we reach the 40th floor. She presses the emergency stop button. I look at her in confusion, trying to find my balance the sudden stop took from me. 

"What the fuck, lady?" Before I can say another thing she comes right up in my face and points at me. 

"You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. Alex Hayes, 22 years old, no parents, got left on the Xander door step, that's how you know Xander and the family and how you are so close with them." What the fuck?

"You may remember me from my birthday night where you killed the guy I was making out with then proceeded to ruin my whole night. Or the time at Reid and Rivers wedding when I slit my leg open and you cleaned it up for me." That's where I know her from. She sees the light bulb go off in my eyes. 

"Now you know who I am, I need you to tell me absolutely everything you have on Reid and Rivers whereabouts. I may look like a nobody but I am actually everybody. I am one of the best hackers in the world so if you refuse to tell me, well, let's just say I will kill you before you kill yourself from the guilt that you let you best friend get taken." Who the fuck does she think she is, I smack her hand away form my face and push her back a little. 

"What makes you think I know anything, why go to me and not Dylan. Well I'm sure you know him since you know so much on me." I say, she tilts her head to the side and smiles. 

"I have already gone though Dylans entire computer, and phone. I didn't find anything worth my attention. Other than background checks on people, again that don't have my attention. And besides, you seem more close to Reid than he does, you guys are basically brothers." 

I nod my head slightly, looking her up and down wondering if I can trust her. "How do I know if I can trust you? I have only met you twice and both times you were a bitch, and now even more so." 

"Is me being Rivers best friend enough proof for you? Is the fact that I have helped her through absolutely everything in her life enough? Or do you need a little more pushing, lets say, maybe, I will leak out every single woman you have ever slept with, but especially the spoilt little daddies girls who are forbidden to go anywhere near you, you sleeping with them will be they reason they get killed." Bullshit, she is bluffing. 

"And don't think I'm bluffing, I can show you my history of all the crazy shit I have done to protect River if you would like, you would be surprised how much a little 20 year old girl can do in the span of a few minutes." She smiles. 

I smile back at her. "Fine, I'll tell you. But not here," Before I finish my sentence I push the emergency stop button so the elevator starts moving again. "Let me take you back to the house, nobody will be able to hear us there, and nobody will be able to track you there either so I might just kill you for that cute little threat before, we'll see." I put my back against the wall, putting my hands over my chest and smiling. 

She scoffs and gets in the same position just on the other side. Soon we reach the ground floor, she follows me out of the elevator and to my car, she walks around to her side and as soon as she shuts the door I drive off. 

Her back hits the seat and she outs her hands out. "It would be nice if you could try not to kill me before we get there." She says, I don't reply and got even faster, dodging the cars trying not to hit them. 

Soon enough we are back at the house, I park the car and get out walking for the front door, I hear her following behind me. When I open the door I see Chris, I give him a nod and say something. "I'm bringing in a visitor just so you know, we can trust her its Mrs Xander's best friend." He nods his head and I go off into my office. 

I sit at my desk and look up to see her looking around. "I still don't know you name." I state, she looks at me and smiles. 

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah Ryan." Ah shit, a fucking Ryan. 


Word count: 1367 



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