chapter 1- same everyday

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Nene pov-

Same everday. Wake up, go to school, leave school, go to practice. How exciting. But i cant really do anything about it. So i got ready for school and started walking.

The only good parts of my day were playing games, going to sleep, and seeing.. emu. I dont know why but emu has always made my heart feel warm. Its like shes a literal ball of joy.

Before i knew it i was already at the front gate to the school. There i saw the two gayasses together. Tsukasa leaning on ruis shoulder and rui with his arms around tsukasas chest. They make me homophobic.

"Hi nene. Excited for practice today?" the taller male asked. "Its just practice... why would i be excited? its no different from usual???" I questioned. "Ah. I just thought that since emus family had something important to tell us you'd be excited to hear it. But nevermind!!" he said in a sassy tone, "What do you mean her family wanted to tell us something??- it better not be anything bad-" "I guess you didn't read the group chat messages. But emu said her brothers wanted to tell us something and that it was a 'HUGE SPARKLE WAHHHBOOM BAMM surprise!'" tsukasa said imatating emu and her high-pitched voice. "ohhh-kay.." i said in a questioning tone "im gonna go to class before im late. you guys should too." I finished. "nene is right. im gonna head off now. Bye tsu, bye nene!!" the purple haired boy ran off, tsukasa said bye and went off aswell, i eventually went to my class and sat down too.

School was finally over. Now to get ready for practice. I headed home and got my stuff on, and was on my way to phonix wonderland.

I finally arrived, rui and tsukasa weren't here yet but emu was..

"NENE CHANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR HEREEEEE!!" emu screamed in excitement.
"ah!- emu.. dont yell so loud.." i wisper yelled at her. But not in a rude tone.
"sorry nenee!! im just so excited to tell you guys the newwwss!!!!!" the bubbly pink haired girl sang.
We heard footsteps from behind and saw the two boys.
"took you long enough." i rolled my eyes
"sorryy! Tsukasa wanted to walk with me so it took us a bit longer! Now, emu. What did you wanna tell us?" rui said, with his goofy grin.
Emus brothers walked over, looking almost dead from how loud emu yelled.
"Ah-hem." emus brother cleared his throat.
"You guys will be preforming a big show, Same place where you did the little mermaid show. Start packing tomorrow, since it's wednesday you will be off school tomorrow and friday. the show is on saturday so start thinking of ideas." Her brothers announced.
We all stood in shock. Except for emu, who already knew.
"Thank you Mr. Otori." rui said.
"mhm!" me and tsukasa said in agreement.
"Of course. Now head home and brainstorm some ideas."
"HORRAY!!!!!!! OKAY LETS GOOO!☆" the pink girl again yelled.

I headed home, on my walk back i started thinking of what kind of shows we could do.
Little mermaid, a sea life themed show, maybe even that one movie.. moana? i think its called.. But im sure emu already has tons of ideas since she knew prior to her siblings telling us. So i shouldn't think to much. I just need to focus on packing for the rest of today.
"Hey, mom?" i asked.
"yes sweetheart? whats up?" the elder woman questioned.
"im going to be doing a big show.. with Wxs. Its at the same place where we preformed the little mermaid show last summer! is that okay.?" i said, hoping she would say yes.
"Of course!! And while you're there make sure you get some beautiful pictures of the ocean for me will you?" the older woman pleaded
"of course mum! And thank you for letting me go." I thanked her. She just nodded and shooed me away and told me to get packing. Geez, hope she doesn't do that when i turn 18..

I got to my room and begain to pack everything i need.
-exc Clothes ofc.
-toothbrush, toothpaste.
-bathing suits
-skin care
I Finally had everything together and would gather anyother important items in the morning if needed.
I finally got into bed. Then got caught up in my thoughts.

She just won't get out of my head. Its not fair. Can she just go bother someone else's head or something? Her eyes. Her bubbly personality. The way her eyes sparkle when she looks at me. Her lips. Her everything. Literally her everything. Its not fair. Shes just a ball of giltter, She gets everywhere on you and then just doesn't leave. And even when you try everything you can to get the glitter off. It wont. And as much as you dont want the giltter there, you dont want it to leave because of how sparkly and beautifuly shiny it is. Just how as much as i want her to get out of my mind. I dont want her to leave because i just cant get enough of her beautiful eyes, sparkling heart, shining smile, and literally everything. Do i like emu? Or do i just love her as my friend. I mean. Friends think this stuff about eachother too right?

I sighed. I finally closed my eyes and decided i needed to sleep for tomorrow. I closed my eyes for a bit and finally drifted to sleep.



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