Chapter 1. Y/N's biggest fear

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I was there the night that Georgie died. Well sort of.

I was visiting my grandma since it had started stormimg while I was out riding my bike. She had insisted that I go inside, she didn't want me to catch a cold.

I was sitting at the table with a cup of hot tea that she had made me. Grandma had gone outside to pull up the blinds on her porch.

"I think that little Denbrough boy is outside. He was looking at something in the sewer" Grandma said with a puzzled face when she came back in.

"Georgie?" I asked. She nodded. "Maybe he dropped something in there" I told her.

"Maybe" she agreed after a moment.

"Hey grandma. I'm pretty sure that Bill, his older brother, is sick right now. Do you mind making some soup for me so I can take it to him after the storm?" I asked her.

"Oh! Well I actually have quite a bit left over from last night! I'll put it in some Tupperware and then you and the little boy outside can go take it to him!" She told me.

We got the soup put away in the Tupperware. Grandma wasn't kidding when she said she had quite a bit. We had four bowls full and there was still some in the pot!

I was grabbing some crackers from the pantry and was gonna have some for myself while I waited for the rain to let up. Grandma had gone out to go get Georgie to see if he wanted some as well.

It wasn't but maybe a minute or two before grandma had come running back inside. She was frantic and screaming about how Georgie was gone. The storm had swept Georgie into the sewer.

I ran outside to look. There was so much blood in the street. The blood of the boy who I had watched grow up. I've known him since the day he was born. He was like a little brother to me.

He was declared missing, but everyone knew he was gone. Well, everyone except Bill. He didn't want to believe Georgie was dead. Instead, he believed that Georgie was still out there. Me and the others decided it was best to not take away his hope. We figured it was his way of coping.

I'd be a liar if I said I didn't blame myself. I should have told Georgie to come inside as soon as Grandma said he was out there. If he was inside where it was safe instead of out in that nasty storm, He would've never fallen in.

My biggest fear... Is that Bill would someday agree.

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