part 1

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"It's Gojo sensei!", shouted Yuji

"Sensei~!", everyone started calling too. Although exhaustion and frustration were flashed on their faces; hidden but could be seen after the epic battle, not to mention many of them faced intense injury too, yet they did not falter

But instead they were encouraging one after another, telling they had done a great job. Ryomen Sukuna had been defeated. The fight was over. Every thing was fine now

"My students! Are you guys okay?", Gojo greeted them with his usual jolly self. But deep down he was just relief the kids made it out in flesh

"We are fine, sensei. Just.. Fushiguro", said Yuta, glancing over his shoulder at Megumi who was lying on Inumaki's lap

Gojo scrouched down. Worry plastered all over his face as he touched Megumi's forehead gently. And then he turned around with a cheeky smile. "I'm sure he will be fine. You guys put your own lives on the line to save him, so he better pay back by staying alive", said Gojo

"And you, Yuta. You are not in the place to say you are fine. Look at yourself", he continued

Yuta chuckled and nodded, looking down at his own messy self with blood splattering on his uniform, slit and cuts all over his face. He was just lucky

"Let's get to the shelter and get treated", suggested Maki. They helped each other to stand up, propped them who could not afford to walk and limped forward

Yuji turned around when he noticed Gojo did not leave his post. "Sensei, are you not coming with us?"

"No, I still have unfinished business"

"What is it?"

"Nothing serious. I can take care of it. I just.. have to see someone, it's important. Make sure your friends get back safely"

Yuji nodded and watched Gojo left to the opposite direction

Gojo sighed deeply at the view of towering ladders unraveled in front of him. He wished he could just teleport right to the top, but he was running out of energy

"Come on, you are the strongest", he said just to motivate himself. Gojo climbed up the stairs, he lost count on how many of them

"Principal Gakuganji"

They bumped into each other midway. Was the old man leaving already? Seemed like he did considering he had his classical instrument already packed inside the case

Gojo had expected so see the old man sooner or later although he was not the one Gojo had been looking for

"It's just you? Where is Utahime?", Gojo cocked his head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of Utahime. But she was nowhere to be found

"I want to leave and quickly check on the students. But Utahime said she would like to stay for a bit up there", the old man pointed up towards the peak

Gojo peeped over the old man as if he could see Utahime from here

"She is alright, if that is what bothers you", Gojo stopped peeking but now frowning. "But I don't think she wants anyone near for the time being. She did say about wanting to be alone", he added

"Thank you for the warning, but I'll take care of the consequences myself", Gojo patted the old man's shoulder and made his way up the slope . His legs wanted him to give up instantly. They felt numb that he had to drag them up the stair one by one until he finally reached the end, panting. He almost could not feel his feet touching the floor

But all his tiredness was wiped off as soon as he caught a glance of Utahime, as if it was never a thing to be tired about, as if he had not just done fighting the strongest ancient sorcerer

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