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Gojo opened his eyes slowly. The sun light panerating into his room through the gaps on the windows. His hand settled on the empty side of the bed, cold from long absence of Utahime

Gojo flipped to lie on his back, bringing his big palms onto his face, sighing. A slow, melodious hum greeted his ears. He smiled, knowing exactly whose voice was that. She was still here when he thought she had left. Gojo decided to remain in bed for another minutes

On the other side, Utahime was wide awake and preparing breakfast for two. After pondering what to make for a while, she decided to go with the easy one - pancakes. Not really her favourite option for breakfast but she was considering Gojo's appetite since he would want something sweet. She would also make scrambled eggs and salad to balance their meals later

"Morning", a hoarse voice greeted

Utahime turned around slightly just to see shirtless Gojo making his way towards her. She almost dropped the pan, not gonna lie. "Mm- morning", she said back, stuttering

Gojo chuckled softly as he stopped behind Utahime. She felt Gojo grabbing a fair bunch of her hair, pulling them upward. "Try not to move much", he said

Utahime stayed rooted, swallowing her saliva nervously. She touched her hair once he was done and realised Gojo just tied her hair up with her own white ribbon. "Thanks. I was looking for this everywhere"

"Your treasure was safe with me", he whispered, only now planting a good morning kiss on Utahime's exposed shoulder. "I know this shirt", he mumbled into her skin. His hands rested on her bared thighs

"Yeah, I couldn't ask for it last night so I just grabbed anything from your closet. You don't mind right?", she saw him frowning. "You want me to- take it off?", she teased

"Will you?", he teased back


Gojo burst into laughter. "It looks cute on you. Just keep it", Gojo's hands now moved up wrapping around Utahime's waist possessively. "What are you making, though?"


"Yum~ But why the trouble? You could just order something for us"

"It's fine. Besides.. I need to get used to my new home from now on", she claimed shamelessly

Gojo arched his eyebrow, grinning. He caught what she meant right away. "Aww, Utahime, you are already thinking about taking over my place. Do you like me that much, hmm?"

Utahime squirmed when Gojo rubbed his pointed nose against her neck, tickling her. He kissed her jaw lightly and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Do you need help?"

"No, I've got this. But it will take some more time until I'm done. Why don't you take a shower first?", Utahime suggested

And Gojo almost forgot that he hadn't showered for like... two days. Dang

"Yeah, I should. I smell.."

"You do", she agreed

"I'll go take a brief one"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Don't eat without me", he warns playfully

Utahime shook her head. "No, I won't. Go"

Gojo stole a quick peck on her right cheek before he paced back into the bedroom to take a shower

Utahime flipped the pancake inside the pan. The sweet aroma filled the kitchen. She lowered the heat, leaving the other side to cook. She waited another minute before transferring the pancake into a plate

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