A woman

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Silence in the background. Shifting walls. The sudden rush of feet in the town of Licansso. A faint sound slowing arising.

All the doors locked and curtains shout tight with no gaps. Left behind were four men, all because they didn't ride their bikes fast enough. "Hurry, Steven it's almost 7!" John says cycling in front of the rest. "You don't really believe that stupid folks tale, do you?" Frank said laughing. "My buddy, Greg went missing last week, Frank. I'm not taking any chances," said Steven "Now hurry!"

The seven o'clock bell rang. "Ding doong ding dooong" A woman started sing so quiet and softly that those who didn't know would think it was just the wind of the cold evening just passing by. "Ding doooong!" the bell continued. "Shit! We need to find somewhere to hide!" John yelled in a whisper. The singing grew louder.

"Ding doooong!" the bell went once more. The four men jumped into someone's yard and hid behind the fence. "Steven, this is stupid. There's nothing out ther-" "Shhhh... did you hear that?" Harry interrupted Frank. The men went silent.

"My boy, my boyy..." it was so quiet but sounded as if it was getting closer and closer

"What was that?!" whispered Steven panicked. "It's probably just some random lady." Frank said "This is stupid! We still have a long way to go before reachin-"

"He doesn't love me like he promised" the woman sang. She sounded sad, heartbroken. Her voice was growing closer but still remained quiet.

"Is that-" Harry paused "It's Her." John finished. "That's the song from the tale!" Steven whispered in a panicked voice. Frank had remained silent as he was only realising the danger they were in.

"He's not a man and sure as hells not honest" the voice said sounding angry now. She was closer to them.

Then compete silence. No footsteps. No peep from the four men. No singing. Just utter silence.

A gust of wind blow and the singing began again. "Come to mee" it was louder then the song before. Her voice now alluring making the men forget the danger they were in.

"Come too meee" she sang. Her voice low and seductive. Frank stood up from his hiding spot and looked over the fence.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this book. It won't be very long probably 4 parts cause I never really had a set plan for it. Please share your opinions on it and yeah...thanks for reading <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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