Lost in Twiceland - Part 2

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Not long after taking a break, Sana takes me with her group successfully. Finally, I can experience the real amusement park. "So.... Where are we going to go first?" I ask them excitingly.

"To a haunted maze."


"Ah, are you afraid of going to a maze, Haeju?" Jihyo asks me out of concern. "What is it called again? That phobia of confined space....." Jihyo touches Jeongyeon's shoulder as she's trying to recall it.

"Claustrophobia," Jeongyeon answers immediately.

"Right! That's what I mean."

"Hmm... No, I don't have claustrophobia. I just feel uneasy about anything scary since I've got nightmares these days...."

"I see.... Then I will accompany Haeju outside the maze. Both of you guys can enter the maze without us," Jihyo suggests her idea. As expected from Twice's leader, she cares so much for me and being responsible for protecting me. Even though I'm definitely older than her......

"Why should I go with Sana?" Jeogyeon gets annoyed.

"What?" Sana replies as she's not paying attention.

"You don't need to be afraid, Ju! It's fine. You won't be alone inside. It's not like we're going to enter a haunted house anyway."

"But Sana said that it was haunted......." I reply Jeongyeon.

"Hhh... Sanaaa....!"

"It's not haunted," Jihyo conforms it.

"Look, an elephant!!!"


Sana runs as she is amazed at what she just found. Apparently, it's just a statue of an elephant, not the real animal. The statue is not that big tho. Why is she so excited about it all of sudden? Well, actually I'm more amazed by a big tree that shades it instead. That tree looks so old and lush.

"Wait, Sana!" Three of us are running to catch her up.

"Isn't it so cute??! Let's take a selfie~" Sana says in front of the statue. Sana gives her cell phone to me and then, automatically, they set their position so everyone can be seen on the camera. Yes, I'm the one who holds the camera because my arm is the longest. The second human selfie stick after Tzuyu.....

We take pictures several times before Sana starts taking pictures of herself. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon is more interested in taking pictures of views around her using Nayeon's camera pocket. She looks really enjoying it. I personally like the landscape pictures that Jeongyeon takes. Her photos are different. It's not just beautiful but gives me feelings while looking at it. Not just smart, I think Jeongyeon also has a talent for photography.

But I'm still wondering why the camera is not with its owner haha....

Jihyo and I take several pictures of ourselves, or sometimes, we take each other pictures. Not long after that, Jeongyeon approaches us and shows something from her camera's screen.

"Look what I've found, guys. Wahahaha!" She is showing us some pictures of me while sleeping. I understand why she laughs. In those pictures, I look so, ehm, weird.....

"Wow, who take these pictures?"

"Me! Hahahaha.... And I just remembered it now. Ah, I should move it to the PC."

"Why do you want to save that?"

"It's funny!"


"I'm collecting your pictures, Haeju. I have many of them on my phone!"

"Really?!" I'm shocked to hear that.

"Yeah! Well, basically I have the pictures of every member," Jeongyeon says it proudly,"I just need more of your pictures, Ju."

"So I got my own paparazzi now? Whoaa... That's scary!"


"Wait, guys! Where is Sana?" Jihyo's question makes us realize she is gone again. Then I try to look for her, but she is not on the spot where the last time I saw her.

"Hhh.... Why is she always like this?"

"Look, there she is!" Jihyo is pointing to the swimming pool. Sana is there, watching people in a slide while laughing and clapping alone.

"Ah, I guess she is so excited to experience any rides right now."

"Looks like it..."

"Sanaaaaaaa come heeeeeeeeeeeeree!!!!"

(to be continued)

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now