Lost in Twiceland - Part 5

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"Kyaaaaaaaaa so cute!

"Ahh... I should have picked Pikachu!"

"Me too.... I regret it."

"Hahaha... It's okay, guys. You can pick Pikachu next time. Anyway, what should we do now?"

"Mmm... How about we let people who haven't attacked to do it this round?" Dahyun suggests.

Everyone agrees. Totodile attacks first. It's effective! Then I attack with my Togepi. It's surprisingly effective too. After that, Pikachu attacks us and then we attack them back. It's always effective, but Pikachu hasn't defeated yet. Its attack becomes even stronger.

"Whoa... Level 2 is tough."

"I know right! Pikachu's life point must be so much higher than the previous pokemons."

"I think so."

"Meanwhile, our life points must have been reduced so much because of Pikachu. At this point, we might not be able to defeat the final boss."

"Looks like it...."

"Well, it's kinda troublesome to fight an electric-type pokemon. That's why Pikachu is the main star of the show."

"That makes sense, Tzuyu."

"Aww... Don't be so pessimistic, guys! We must believe that we can do it! It's not over until it's over, right?"

"Yeah, Jackie is right." Chaeyoung says,"We just need to defeat Pikachu first. Don't worry about the next round yet. Let Jackie attack this time. How about that?"

"Agree. And I will finish it off after that. This can be Charmander's last attack anyway," Dahyun says.

"Okay, I'm going to attack now..... Totodile, attack!"

"Charmander, attack Pikachu! End this battleeeee!!!" Dahyun is so loud and powerful until the end.

I peek at Chaeyoung. I don't know Dahyun can be so insensitive. I think Chaeyoung's intention was to attack it together with Jackie. But Dahyun is doing it instead as she doesn't know that Chaeyoung's got a crush on him. It's cute to see Chaeyoung is pouting secretly because she is jealous hahaha....

Anyway as we hope, Pikachu is defeated. But all of our pokemons look exhausted now, especially Charmander. Well, except Togepi tho since it luckily hasn't been attacked by any Pokemon so far.

Now the new enemy appears. It's the final boss! Different than before, this time it's an adult in black. From his face, we can see that this man is evil.

"That's Giovanni!" Tzuyu exclaims.

"Who is that? Is he strong?"

"He is the main villain in the anime, Unnie. The boss of team rocket. It will be hard to defeat him."

Tzuyu seems to be right. That man throws a pokeball. A very big monster shows up.

"Oh no, this is worse than what I thought........."

(to be continued)

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now