chapter 8

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"Jenifer mentioned that a boy dropped you off the other day?" Mum asked breaking the silence, I almost choked on the food I was chewing, I shot Jenifer an accusing look which she returned with a smirk

"You don't need to look like that, you're going to turn eighteen in a few weeks, I'm just border that you have very little social life, you barely even hang out with your friends this days is everything okay with you?"

I wanted to tell her that I wasn't, that I have a cruel, sick manipulative bully who just wouldn't stop but I didn't, instead I replied with a slight smile

"Just busy with school work that's why" I replied instead

"So about the boy? What's his name?"

Why wouldn't she just drop this ?

"His name is Mark Andrew and mum we aren't friends," I said standing up from the dinner table

I thought I saw something flashed across her gaze, and did her face seems to get a little paler? I was probably mistaken

"Did you say, Andrew?"

I nodded slowly wondering why she was asking but she said nothing else

"Mum is everything okay?"

"Am just tired and want to retire to my room now" she stood to her feet abruptly and walked away

Jenifer and I stared strange looks, mum never went to bed before us, dis was really a first, I guess she must be really so tired then.

Entering my room I decided to have a shower, my thoughts kept on diverting to him In as much as I didn't want to think about him, I still wondered what he would have done if Derick hadn't come between us, but I still wasn't safe, I would still have to see him tomorrow and God help me then.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel round myself and proceeded back to my room, my fingers found the light switch, I hadn't bothered in switching it on when I first came in...

I immediately saw him lounging on my bed and felt my heart leaped out of my chest, I stopped myself from screaming just in time or mum would have been alerted

My feet were glued where I stood, I nearly peed myself when his predator gaze traveled from my head down to my breast, my nipples were clearly pointing out in the flimsy towel, his gaze visible darkened as it lingered on my exposed thighs...

"How d..did you get in" I shrieked

He gaze locked back to mine ones again

"Close the door" he commanded in a low tone, my hairs stood on ends at the icy rage in his

Closing the door will leave no way out for me, I would be trapped here with him helplessly but I didn't want to get him even angrier.

My feet shook as I moved to close the door

"Lock it and come here" his icy tone had a whimper escaping my mouth

I locked the door but didn't go to him, I knew he was here to hurt me to punish me for earlier

" If I get you myself, I assure you wouldn't like what I'll do to you"

I took a step at his threat, as I walked towards him tears began to cascade from my eyes

I'm sorry a..a..bout t... today p... please don't hurt" I manage in between sobs

His cold expression changed into a sneer

"I'm sick and tired of your whining, I haven't even done anything yet"

I stopped at the foot of the bed on which he sprawled on, his size made my bed looked very tiny,his predatory gaze watching my every move...

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