💫 Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1️⃣ 💫

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After paying the driver of the cab that she'd taken from the bus station in Stockton to Charming, Addison stood on the sidewalk outside of a small diner and took in her current surroundings

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After paying the driver of the cab that she'd taken from the bus station in Stockton to Charming, Addison stood on the sidewalk outside of a small diner and took in her current surroundings.

Charming reminded the 14 year old a lot of Forks. Both towns were small, simple and had that general small town feel about them.

After a few minutes, Addison decided to enter the diner behind her.

Smiling lightly at the blonde-haired waitress who greeted her as she made her way inside, the teen made her way towards the back where a sign indicated that the restrooms were there.

Entering through the women's restroom door, it closed behind her with a dull thud as she entered one of the stalls inside.

After relieving herself, Addison then did a swift change of her outfit seeing as the outfit she'd been wearing since getting on the bus back in Forks wasn't really too suitable for the sunny and humid weather here in Charming.

As she was changing, Addison sent a silent thanks to Rosalie who after first learning that she had planned to leave Forks and come to Charming had insisted on helping her purchase a few new outfits that would be more suitable for the California weather compared to the constantly rainy and dreary weather in Forks.

As she was changing, Addison sent a silent thanks to Rosalie who after first learning that she had planned to leave Forks and come to Charming had insisted on helping her purchase a few new outfits that would be more suitable for the California we...

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Looking down at her new outfit, Addison was pleased to see that the sleeves of her shirt managed to cover the few bruises that still littered her upper arms. She also made sure that the necklace that she'd had in her possession for as long as she could remember was still in its proper place around her neck.

Addison had zero idea as to how she had come to possess the necklace in the first place

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Addison had zero idea as to how she had come to possess the necklace in the first place. She was extremely protective of it for some unknown reason though.

In fact, she had nearly come to actual physical blows with Bella on at least two separate occasions back in Forks when the older girl had attempted to steal the necklace from her. It was the second attempt on Bella's part though that made her decide to never take it off after that and she was extremely glad that she had.

Stuffing the clothes that she'd just changed out of into her backpack, the 14 year old grabbed it along with her duffel bag and exited the stall.

Quickly washing her hands as well as her face, Addison then splashed some water onto her messy blonde curls enough for her to be able to style them into two decent looking braids.

Quickly washing her hands as well as her face, Addison then splashed some water onto her messy blonde curls enough for her to be able to style them into two decent looking braids

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Finally done, Addison grabbed her backpack and duffel bag then made her way back out into the main part of the diner.

Glancing around for a few seconds, she spotted an empty booth next to the front window towards the middle of the room.

She had only been seated for less than a minute before the blonde haired waitress who had greeted her when she first came into the establishment came over to her.

"Hey there, sweetie. I'm Wendy and I'm gonna be your server. What would you like to order or do you need a minute?"

Addison ended up ordering a burger and fries along with a glass of root beer.

Once Wendy had brought the meal to her table, the 14 year old began to consume it, carefully savoring the food as it has been a few days since she'd last had a substantial amount of food courtesy of Bella who enjoyed using food as a form of control towards the younger girl.

Addison pushed all thoughts of Bella and her hometown to the back of her mind for the time being. She noticed that Wendy was making her way over to her so she decided to ask the older woman about the person that Reneé had very reluctantly told her she should look up for information about her birth father if she went to Charming.

"Um, Miss Wendy? I was wondering if you could help me find someone here in town that I'm looking for."

"Sure, sweetie. Who exactly are you trying to find?"

"Her name is Gemma Teller-Morrow. My mother says that she might be able to answer some questions that I need answered. "

"Well, I know Gemma pretty well and I was actually planning on going to see her once I finish up my shift for today. You can ride out there with me if you'd like. "

Normally, Addison would never go anywhere alone with someone who she had just met and didn't really know anything about. She felt like she could trust Wendy though. She also felt a connection with the older woman that she didn't quite understand.

"Okay. I really appreciate you helping me out with this, Miss Wendy. Especially since you don't even know me. "

"It's not a problem at all, sweetie. I don't mind helping you out. After all, it beats you trying to make it to Gemma on foot since it can get pretty hot out there not to mention that not everyone in this town are good people."

A/N: So, another chapter is done!

What do you guys think of it and the story in general so far?

How do you think Addison will probably react when she finally meets Gemma as well as the rest of SAMCRO?

Do you think that her feelings about a connection towards Wendy actually means anything important?

Please feel free to vote and comment below to let me know what you guys think!

I hope that you all have a great day/afternoon/night depending on where you may be and remember that you are all amazing and beautiful!!❤❤

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