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Hey I'm Phoenix and I have lived for 14 years in a  huge beautiful house with my parents and my two siblings  I'm the oldest, my younger siblings Mila and Manuel are both 8 years old (yes they are twins) anyway this isn't about them its about me! My life was great I had a lot of friends and a boyfriend! ( I'm pan and Non-binary ). Everything was just great until one evening my parents wanted something from me. "Oh darling I'm so sorry" my mother began speaking "we have to move away, it's better for you and your siblings". My heart dropped" no way I am leaving! Not now! Now everything is perfect just like I always wanted it to be!!" I yelled at my parents.  "Don't race your voice young Lady" yes my father still does miss gender me even tho  I told them I go by he/him  he says it's all just a dumb phase " I am not leaving. You all are staying here.. with my friends" I felt heavy tears from In my eyes. " Darling you have to come with us, you are too young to live on your own here plus you don't even have a job" my mom noticed that I went quiet and tried to hug me, but I staped away and before my father could shout after me I was out by the front door. I kept running non Stop until my legs were too heavy. I fell on my knees and felt these disgusting tears running down my cheeks. Gosh how much I hated it to cry. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called everyone my friends and my fake parents ( also teens who give me the feeling I'm their child and take care of me like their child). They all came and I explained to them. It was horrible, I tried to explain but could build proper sentences only stutter came out of my mouth and words that made no sense. Luckily they understood and we all had a group hug. We stayed like this till night time " when are you moving phoe?" I heard someone whisper. "Tomorrow probably, everything is already packed" I pressed out trying not to tear up again. But as someone wrapped their warm hands around me pulling me towards them I broke out in tears. Everyone had to go home already except dad, he was still sitting on the floor with me wrapped tight into his arms " shouldn't you be home already?" I asked looking  up at him with teary eyes "no, I told my parents and they said I should stay with you as long as you need it" he said calmly smiling. "Thank you" I mumbled and cuddled against him " that's what I'm here for" that was the last  sentence I heard before I dozed off into a deep sleep. The next day I woke up in a completely different place but still wrapped into dad's arms. I gently looked around trying not to wake him "morning sleepyhead" he said jokingly " how are you?". I looked at him and he had teary eyes.i hugged him tight. " I'm fine.. I'm sorry , I'm sorry I can't stay here with you, I'm the worst child ever!.." I mumbled into his shirt when I realised I wore his hoodie. I wanted to say something but I was interrupted with a tight hug and head pats " your not kiddo, it's not your fault i promise  whatever happens I will be with you and you know you can always text me if you need anything" his deep calming voice was shaky as he spoke. " Thank you dad" I whispered in his ear. As he replied with  "Your welcome My son " my grip tightened and we both broke out in tears. That day my Dad taught me the strongest lesson. Whatever happens keep on fighting for what you want to change, don't let mistakes get in your way or change what you want.
So even the strongest man can fall apart.
We stayed  hugging till evening then he brought me home. He was sad and tired just like me. But I promised to text him whenever I can.

(702 words!
Btw this is about to be a book so please tell me what you think of it. And non of this is real! I used my name because I liked it so much if you have other name ideas just write to me! And I heard that song I put at the beginning while writing this chapter!Bye guys have a good night/day/evening!

Fire.Phø3nix out! )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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