My Little Kitten (Not Lemon) 1/?

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So in this one-shot you and Yurio are both from Russia and are very close friends. At the time you had just broken up with your bf or gf. You both like each other but are too afraid to admit it because you don't want to ruin your friendship with one another. Also (Y/N) has a cat named Slayer. Please enjoy!! If you want to be included in a one-shot you can be but please tell me a name for you and what you want to be! Also the video above does not belong to me I am giving full credits to the owners of the videos at the end of the book.

 (Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I wake up to hear my alarm clock going off. "What time is it?" I look at my alarm clock. 7:30!! Oh shoot I am going to be late! I hurry up and get dressed and put on my shoes. I am about to leave when I remember that I have to feed Slayer so I do. Now it is 8:00 and I have to be at practice at 8:30. Luckily I only live 5 minutes away from the skating rink so I can just walk.

When I get there I see Yurio is already there on his phone so I walk over to him. "What are you doing?" I ask. He responds with "Nothing just checking my Instagram." He smirks making me blush a little.

"(Y/N)! Good morning!" Says my energetic friend Gracie (nobody from the show just one of my friends irl that I made into a character) "Hey Gracie!" I say as she runs up to me. "Gracie leave (Y/N) alone!" Says Gracie's boyfriend Slater (same thing as Gracie one of my friends and yes he is actually dating Gracie and they look so cute together irl). She sighs and goes over to him. "Fine..." She says "But I want a hug" She smiles as Slater gives her a hug.

"Awww I want a hug." I say pouting hoping Yurio will give me a hug. I think it works because next thing I know he is giving me a hug. Well a back hug but it still counts. He smiles at me. "You happy now?" He says

"Well why wouldn't I be? I just got a hug from you. I think you are becoming a softie Yurio." I say laughing. He pushed me away "Oi I am not a softie I am the white tiger of Russia! And I told you I am not going by that name!!" He yells "Yurio it's too early to be yelling." Victor says walking in to the room.

"Sorry Victor." I say "Don't worry about it anywho, let's get started with practice! (Y/N) let's rehearse your skating routine for the competition!" (The video above) When I finish Victor is speechless but he finds the words to say something I will hold on to forever. "You know you've grown from being someone who couldn't land a single jump to someone who is more experienced than some of the pros. That's a good thing because you have the confidence like no one I have ever seen and I hope that will carry you through out your whole skating career. I just hope you remember that." 

I start to cry as he hugs me. "Don't cry (Y/N) it's a fact." Yurio says looking at me. "You know I think you have a soft spot for (Y/N) Yurio." Victor says "N-No I don't! Shut up you old hag!" Yurio says looking away.

Yurio's P.O.V.

I look away to hide my blushing face from (Y/N). It's true...ever since she has been here I have always felt different and my heart has fell into a hole for her. I don't know what it is.

After practice Slater and Gracie come up to me. "Yuri wait!" Gracie says "What asshole?" I say "God someone is in a bad mood. What's wrong?" Slater says "Nothing's (Y/N)...whenever I am around her my stomach gets butterflies and when she smiles it makes my heart fall into a hole. When she cries I want to scream at whoever made her cry. When she gets hurt I want to beat up whoever hurt her. What is this feeling?"  I ask him "It's love." He says "Love? What do you mean I don't love (Y/N)!" I say "Well that's how I felt when I met Gracie and here we are dating. Think about it and if you need help text me and we can talk!" He says smiling.

Him and Gracie leave just as (Y/N) runs up to me. "Yuri wait!" She says "I was wanting to know if you wanted to walk home together. You know because we live close by each other." She smiles making me blush "Fine but you're going to have to keep up with me!" I say running out of the skating rink. I see her running after me trying to catch up. "Slow down!!" She yells as I laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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