Chapter 1 - Day 1

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He was as careful as he could be. He packed enough food, drinking water, and supplies and quadruple-checked the weather forecast to make sure he wouldn't be hit by heavy rainfall while he was on the island. Gen did extensive research for things that could go wrong on a survival island, preparing thoroughly like he would for any other video of his. Nothing could compare to what hit him.

A few hours earlier

"... I still don't know why this was such a requested video, but I work to please~" Gen smiled at the camera he set up himself, without his assistants as that would technically break the rules of his challenge. With the rise of 'survival challenge' videos on YouTube, Gen figured he wouldn't be too safe. Given that most of his videos involved some kind of adventure with his signature mentalist spin (including either a thorough analysis of the activity or messing with the people involved), it was only a matter of time before his audience demanded he filmed one himself.

And, to be fair, this was hardly his most ambitious challenge. Sneaking into runways, working as a detective alongside the Japanese police, and even that one time he dived off a plane with a parachute were much more mentally taxing. The latter Gen milked down to the last drop to get as much ad revenue, sponsors and deals as he could for the idea to even make it into his plans. Apart from Youtube, Gen occasionally worked as a host for award shows and events - a true entertainer at heart. He couldn't say he enjoyed a lot of the challenges he put himself through to entertain an audience, no. But alas, he was just a slave to capitalism and its neverending greed as any other.

"Would you like me to do a haul?" he smiled coyly, pushing his strand of white behind his ear and snickered to himself, "Well, as much of a haul as you are going to get in this scenario. As I already explained, this little adventure will be split into two parts. The first is all the activities you can do if you ever find yourself on an island, if you are safe and looking for entertainment." The sun and the soft breeze were tickling his face, the salty ocean smell distracting him from the thoughts of how much he really didn't want to do this. Oh well, he could consider this a vacation of sorts. He already missed civilization and his boat dropped him off a mere hour ago.

"The other is more survival-based," Gen spoke, his charming smile on, "And I will challenge myself to 24 hours with no supplies to make it through the day, with only a knife, my clothes and this plastic bag to aid me." Gen held up each prop to support his words, praying his face was in focus. He was kind of dreading the challenge. The activity part could arguably be fun, though he did not enjoy sand rubbing in his sneakers every time he took a step. And god, the lack of running water. But he figured he could spend two days earning that sweet check if it meant he could stay relevant and up-to-date with trends. Not to mention the facial, full-body massage and pedicure he had scheduled after this was all over.

"As promised, I am completely alone," Gen twirled the camera in his hands, to show that he was in fact, on an uninhabited island with no crew in sight. "I have my filming supplies and charged power banks. I also brought an emergency supply of flares, communicators and other goodies for an emergency." With the camera now placed on the ground, he shuffled through his bag, taking out and listing everything he had on him. "Of course, these are really for emergencies only, and I will stash away everything for the survival part. You'll just have to have some faith in me that I won't cheat~"

He giggled, already imagining his comments filled with doubts and accusations. Not that he could blame them. A true mentalist could never survive in the wild without some tricks up his sleeves. Literally. He hid some snacks and bottled water in nearby bushes in case he wouldn't manage to secure food and shelter for himself. If he won't film it, it doesn't happen.

"First thing's first, I'm going to move to the shade. It's going to be midday soon and I cannot stand the heat!" he grimaced, whining to himself and his future audience. Shuffling all his supplies a few bags at a time, he plopped down on top of his mat under a tree. It was late spring, but Japan's humid weather was catching up to him quickly. He made sure to dress for the weather - sturdy but breathable jeans down to his sneakers to avoid cuts and insect bites; a light, oversized t-shirt in lavender for the aesthetics and breathability, a cap and shades. He had a few changes of clothes in his bags. No showers didn't mean he was going to stay filthy. If that meant wasting his (abundantly packed) drinking water to freshen himself up... well. It was a one-off thing. He popped open a water bottle and chugged half of it, fanning himself with a paper fan and began getting ready to film his next part of the video.

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